december 28, 2020 - january 3, 2021 highlights

FRIDAY, 210101
- daily program & topic : idol diary (my idol's winter song)
- there is a song lyric that goes "don't remember what you hate about others, only remember the happy moments", and chenle thinks that this is hard to do. because a person can be good to you and do 99 good things for you, but then when they do 1 bad thing, you'll think that they're bad. but if someone is always bad to you, and then they suddenly do 1 good thing to you, you'll think they're really good. if they've been nice to you this whole time, you'll take it for granted, but once they're not nice to you, you'll think that they're bad. so chenle thinks that you must appreciate the good people in your life and don't take them treating you well for granted.
- when chenle is annoyed, he doesn't listen to music. he just sleeps. (at that moment daegal was also sleeping outside of the recording booth and longjun said maybe daegal is currently annoyed too and that's why she's sleeping)
- chenle likes to sing soft songs because he feels that his voice is really soft
- chenle thinks nct u's 'i.o.u' and jamie foxx's 'fly love' are two songs that are nice to listen to when you walk through the woods during winter. these songs have a lot of atmosphere.
- chenle will work hard to raise daegal well
- chenle was shocked to find out that longjun also came from renjun's hometown, jilin
- chenle still can't forget the moment it first snowed last year (december 2020). he went downstairs to welcome the snow and let it hit his face. even though it was cold, he wanted to feel the atmosphere because he really loves snow.
- chenle mentioned how his friend (haechan) gave him a new game set (ps5) as a birthday gift
- chenle's most memorable winter was when he went to vienna, austria. it left a deep impression on him. he went to wiener musikverein (the golden hall of vienna) to perform, and then he made a small snowman there. it's a very deep memory. he was there for a holiday and for a performance too, and it was very beautiful.
SATURDAY, 210102
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- they prerecorded today's recording at 2am
- chenle asked chuyuan to tell him a ghost story but then he said that he is afraid of ghost stories and he forgot that he's living alone in his apartment.
- chuyuan said that chenle has daegal to accompany him so he should be fine but then chenle said daegal sleeps early
- when the listener's letter was being read, chenle thought that there was a ghost scratching his back. but then he looked behind and there was nothing. chuyuan said it's even scarier that there's nothing and that if there was, he would've seen it first. chenle then said he might've been the only one who was able to see it.
- chenle said that he imagines things / scary stuff a lot
- pd jiejie put on scary music but chenle didn't hear that much because he didn't wear headphones
- when chenle was young, his grandma's house was close to his, just across the road, and he would eat dinner there with his parents. chenle's mom will come first, and then chenle will come with his dad, usually by riding his dad's bicycle where chenle stands at the back and hold on to his shoulders. if chenle goes with his mom, they would just come over. but if he comes with his dad, they would buy snacks along the way. his mom wouldn't allow him to buy snacks because they're unhealthy, but his dad would be like, "oh it tastes good? then buy more!" . later on, because they already bought the food, the can't throw it away so they would eat the snacks behind his mom's back.
- when chenle already lives in korea, sometimes his mom would come for a while, or his dad would come for a while, and then sometimes both would come. when he's only with his dad, everything was delicious, but then he got diarrhea for two weeks. he didn't remember eating anything bad so maybe it was because it wasn't washed clean.
- when chenle's mom comes to visit, she would nag at him for staying up late. but with his dad, his dad would stay up late with him and they would watch movies until 5-6 in the morning.
- chenle said the first song you listen to in the new year will affect your luck. chenle would listen to 恭喜发财 by andy lau because it's about becoming rich and having good luck.
- chenle's favorite way to practice dance is by listening to the song and then finding the feeling. chenle said dancing is all about the feeling.
- nct dream finished practicing the choreo for deja vu in 2 days (in 6 hours total)
- chenle used to always wear a watch and would feel weird if he didn't but nowadays he doesn't like to wear it anymore. but he still tends to check his wrist to check the time even though he's not wearing a watch.
- one listened found passion for songwriting because of chenle, and aspires to write for chenle one day. chenle said this is exactly why they are doing this, to give people energy and motivation to work hard towards their goal. chenle said that if there's a chance and if the listener makes good songs, he would love to work together.
- chenle's song rec: dream run - nct dream
SUNDAY, 210103
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (my 2021)
- chenle wants to learn a new skill which is composing songs
- chenle also wants to work out this year because he never works out. chenle also hasn't played any basketball recently. but he thinks his new goal of working out may or may not be reached since he is too lazy. he did say that if he works out, he will do his best, but starting / initiating to work out itself is the problem for him.
- chenle doesn't really have a plan for the new year because there will always be a reason that makes the plan not work out. he said that he's the type to not have a plan and just face whatever is in front of him one step at a time because he thinks that if he sets a plan, it might change later on so there's no point to it.
- chenle said it's good that people can make plans and stick to them, but he personally tends to forget the plans he makes. he feels that he's quite determined but after making plans, he doesn't consider it important. kun said chenle is the type to prioritize happiness
- kun said when he was learning korean, he started by memorizing a lot of words. chenle said he needs to learn from kun because he didn't memorize any words hence why his vocabulary is limited. but kun said chenle speaks korean very well.
- when chenle got his own paycheck for the first time, he asked his parents what they wanted him to buy them, but they said "we don't want it.", and they said it like they were avoiding, not out of courtesy. kun said chenle's parents might have doubted chenle's taste.
- chenle jokingly said that kun has bad temper and kun said his temper is not too bad. but then chenle said kun is actually too nice and that's why chenle can bully him easily, which makes it kun's fault too for being too nice.
- chenle said if you are better than other people or other people are better than you, both will bring you stress. if other people are better than you, you will be stressed because you will always question why people are better than you. if you are better than other people, you will be stressed because you will want to keep that up and continue to always be better. so it's better to not compare because everyone have different lives. the most important thing is to be yourself.
- chenle and kun sang 'face to face' and 'dream launch' by wayv
- chenle said the best part about offline concerts is the cheers and support from fans. the cheers give them strength to continue dancing throughout the concert. during rehearsals, they can never dance all out because there were no fans, but with the fans' cheers and atmosphere, at some point you just stop dancing with your body and start dancing with your energy / spirit. full quote here
- kun said you have to scream on top of your lungs during their concerts but chenle said you also have to drink lots of water after shouting.
- chenle's song rec: 我们都不应该孤单 - 常石磊

january 4, 2021 - january 10, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210104
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle said that when he's bored, he would do something until it's not fun anymore and then do something else. for example, he will bother his dog. if it's not fun anymore, he will play games. if it's not fun anymore, he will watch a movie. if it's not fun anymore, he'll watch dramas. if it's not fun anymore, he will eat. if it's not fun anymore, then he sleeps.
- chenle said that health and peace are really the most important things
- chenle said that daegal is too cute. she is small, like a small, white, round meatball who runs very fast and likes walking around here and there. he said that when he adopted her at the dog center, the staff said, "leave well with dad~" and that made him feel like, "ah-ah.. i'm a dad?"
- even though chenle is lazy, he still takes care of daegal well. he feeds her every day, helps her clean her eye boogers, clean her earwax, and wipe her butt.
- chenle said that even if a friend tells you everything will be fine, you will still be worried a little
- chenle told a listener that it's fine to overthink, but they still have to solve their problems so that they'll know that they are able to overcome these problems. new problems will appear, but it's also fine as long as they're able to solve them.
- chenle used to have overthinking problems too. when he first started out, when a song gets released, he would think, "what if the stage isn't good enough? what if i don't dance or sing well enough?" but then he solves it by dancing and singing well. when you've done it, you'll realize that you're able to do it and your self confidence will go up, and then you won't be worried anymore. so you have to do well in things that you're worried about.
- chenle said that everyone's time to be successful is different. just because someone becomes successful earlier than you, doesn't mean they are more successful than you. he said don't compare yourself to others even it takes you several more years to succeed. what matters is that you yourself have improved and grown.
- chenle's song rec: faded in my last song - nct u
TUESDAY, 210105
- daily program & topic : music wave
- chenle saw jyp and rain's collaboration stage and he thinks it was really cool. it truly felt like two artists performing and enjoying the stage. he also watched their documentary in which they told their stories and how they worked together and collaborated. chenle finds it really touching because it's a senior who has debuted for so long and yet keeps chasing after his dream.
- chenle really likes lauv's songs and he has listened to a lot of them. his favorite ones are 'breathe', 'the story never ends', 'come back home', and 'love somebody'
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (bali)
- chenle really wants learning instruments like the violin, drums, guitar, etc. and he will do it if he has time
- chenle doesn't live in the dorms but he stays there during promotions only. he has to go back home after promotions are over. although he wants to go home, living with the members makes him really happy so leaving is a pity. chenle also said they're happier when chenle is at the dorms.
- chenle has never been to bali, indonesia
- chenle once performed at a concert in busan and the stage was next to the sea
- chenle mentioned again how his mom once brought him to sanya, a city in hainan island, china. the most memorable thing from it is that the hainanese chicken at the hotel was delicious. (he mentioned this on 201209)
- chenle said daegal always pees on his bed, his pillow, the floor, and she's gotten the punishment she deserves. he said it doesn't matter that she's a girl and she's cute and is a cute little kid, she still needs to get disciplined and that the standards must be established.
- chenle also said that being a father means you have to be kind when you need to be, and be strict when you have to be. he said he believes he's going to be a good father one day.
- when chenle was younger, he liked to eat streetfood with his dad a lot. his mom wouldn't allow him to eat them so he would always eat with his dad because his dad likes to eat them too. his mom thinks that the food there isn't clean and is unhealthy. a while ago his dad sent him a message showing the food they used to eat together in hopes of making chenle crave that food.
- she said that if a human were to snatch a banana from someone it would be annoying but since it's a monkey, it's cute
- chenle is prone to allergies. one time, chenle was playing basketball at the han river and it started raining but he continued playing. it was extremely wet and his hands were dirty due to the dirt and dust. he then felt itchy so he scratched it, after scratching, his skin got bad and wrinkled. his entire body was bumpy and wrinkly and swollen and it felt like he had blisters all over his body except for his face. he still had to shoot a concert vcr at a grassy area the next day and he is sensitive to pollen. after filming it got even worse because the blisters became red. from then on, whenever he's itchy he never scratches, especially when his hands are dirty.
- chenle is also allergic to seafood, alcohol (ethanol), and cat fur.
- chenle doesn't really like shopping and he only buys the things he wants. once he's done, he just goes "aaahh why can't we go home"
- chenle said whenever they go overseas, the staff only buys them korean food. but he admits that the sundubu jjigae (soft tofu) he ate in los angeles was really good.
- when chenle went to germany, he went to a chinese restaurant near the cologne cathedral and the food was really good
- when chenle travels overseas for a short time, he wants to try the local food. but if he travels for quite a while, he will miss food from home.
- lanlan promised to bring chenle kopi luwak (civet coffee) but it has already expired in 2017
- chenle's song rec: 自己 - 许钧
THURSDAY, 210107
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (the mermaid; catch me if you can)
- chenle has never watched 'the mermaid'
- chenle likes the movies 'royal tramp', 'royal tramp 2', and 'kung fu hustle' and all 3 of them are directed by stephen chow
- when chenle ordered for takeout, daegal went out the door without him realizing so he closed the door on her. then the delivery guy came back and rang the doorbell again to tell him that daegal went outside.
- when talking about the movie 'catch me if you can', chenle mentioned how even though first impressions are important, you need to know what the person is like inside too. everyone believed frank abagnale jr. because of his appearance even though he was only pretending to be a pilot, doctor, etc., and didn't know anything. he only knew how to scam. chenle then said that when it comes to people, you need to see their inside. he also mentioned how frank's heart is still kind but his misfortune is because of his family.
- chenle's song rec: like it - jong shin yoon
FRIDAY, 210108
- daily program & topic : idol diary
- chenle built a snowman today at 4am with renjun. he's very satisfied with his work, but when he showed his friends, they all said the snowman his very ugly. chenle thinks they don't have good taste / vision.
- chenle said that kids from the southern part of china really treasure snow and cherish it whenever they get to see snow because they don't see it often. chenle is from shanghai, which is located in the southern part of china.
- in winter, chenle likes listening to sad songs and watching sad / angsty movies, the sadder the better. he watches the type of movies that makes other people cry but don't make him cry.
- renjun accompanied chenle to see the snow yesterday and they had a snow fight when he was building the snowman. renjun then told him, "don't hit me with the snow. if you hit me with the snow, i'll leave you straight away." so chenle didn't hit him because renjun was the one accompanying him. chenle also mentioned how renjun is from dongbei, an area in which snow is pretty common, so he doesn't have any feelings towards snow.
- chenle never exercises except for playing basketball. but he has been thinking about going to the gym this year.
- during the meteor showers, chenle saw about 10 meteors and he found it fascinating because the sky was like a ceiling and the meteors were like ornaments on the ceiling that fell. unfortunately, he didn't make a wish because they fell too fast.
- chenle really likes his own part in 'dear dream' that goes "the part about a star comforting you and that might be him"
- chenle's favorite season is winter but he doesn't like it if it doesn't snow
- chenle's song rec: fly love - jamie foxx
SATURDAY, 210109
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- for chenle, school interviews that you do to get into a comittee / organization also made him kind of nervous. chenle said during that time, he didn't do much other than say that he's happy to help other people and other students and he just sang a song.
- chenle said there are some songs from movies and dramas that when you listen to them alone, the feeling is really different. there will be emotions and feelings with the scene and the music. there will still be feeling when just listening to the song but it's not as big. chenle said there were many songs he heard from movies/dramas that made him go “woah they’re really nice” and he would find them after. when listening to the songs again, he’ll remember the scenes so sad songs become more sad and romantic songs become more romantic.
- chenle said he was 18 (korean age) in 2018 and he was living happily with less frustrations and he didn't have many opinions like a kid. even though he had many performances, chenle thought of it as just his job with no special goals. but chenle said that this year, he has changed and now he has goals, he knows why and what is he doing all these for.
- chenle he likes one song from bruno major titled “easily”
- chenle said that a father's love is like a mountain. he also said that both him and chuyuan will be good dads in the future. chenle thinks that when you become parents, a lot of things we do as parents are things our parents also did for us when we were kids, and chenle said he will teach his kids a lot of things his dad taught him. chenle said he and his dad have similar characters and attitudes, he said he's a younger and more handsome version of his dad. chenle also added that even though he gets along with his dad, there are times when they play and joke around together, but there are also times when his dad teaches him life lessons and it helps him a lot.
- chenle mentioned again how he has been listening to sad songs and watching sad movies and he now thinks this sad mood is because the first song he listened to in the new year was a sad song.
- chenle's song rec: 王晰, 高杨 - 她真漂亮
SUNDAY, 210110
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (my 2021)
- chenle, kun, and renjun all like harmony class. the teacher would group them into small groups and they will be given a harmony to sing to. renjun likes it more than him, though.
- both chenle and kun really like math
- chenle thinks kun's hobby to fly a plane is cool
- chenle likes to play basketball and soccer. back in elementary school, he used to always play soccer.
- fan called chenle "zhong chenle who hasn't slept at 11 in the morning" but then chenle corrected the fan that it's "zhong chenle who hasn't slept at 12 in the morning (12pm)"
- chenle slept at 9:30am today (the day they recorded this)
- chenle thinks having better tone when speaking to parents and understanding more and not putting precious time on unhappiness is really good. it's easy to think about it this way, but not when they're talking to you and start to nag you. chenle started to reflect on this. when his mom facetimes him, sometimes he's lazy and he would think, "we already facetime every day, why do we need still to facetime?" but now he reflects on it. he still talks to her every day. whenever she nags, he would listen carefully (but then forget after).
- chenle has a suggestion for a fan who can't sleep properly. his suggestion is to not sleep at all until 9pm the next day. then the next day they would feel extremely sleepy and tired and would fall asleep easily and soundly.
- chenle mentioned again about how we shouldn't compare ourselves to others because everyone is different. comparing is unavoidable but you shouldn't take it to seriously. kun added that you can compare but you still have to set yourself straight and not have the mindset of "i have to be better than them", because this way you can grow. chenle explained that kun means that we should see someone as an example and learn from their good parts instead of thinking, "i'm better than you at this but you're better than me at this and that makes me unhappy". chenle explained that kun is basically saying that we should learn from other people's good points, correct our own bad points and if you improve, then that's growth. more descriptive quote here
- chenle's song rec: love somebody - lauv

january 11, 2021 - january 17, 2021 highlights

- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle hasn't watched any dramas lately, he's been watching movies. he watches one movie a day.
- chenle thinks there's no end to designing / decorating his house. he's designing all the time and is always thinking of finding a way to make things prettier. after designing today and feeling satisfied with the decoration, the next day he would go, "oh, i can design it like that", so it never ends.
- chenle said interviews and exams are always nerve-wracking and there's nothing you can do about it. the best thing to do is to stay calm and don't let the nervousness take over but turn that nervousness into motivation instead.
- chenle thinks performing on stage isn't nerve-wracking. but back during trainee days, they would have evaluations, and those were definitely nerve-wracking. chenle is never nervous for a stage, but he was nervous for evaluations.
- chenle said even though he and mark are close, there have been days when he doesn't contact mark for three days. but they're still close regardless and he still likes him the most.
- the first time chenle performed on stage was over 10 years ago. that was the only time he went on stage but then couldn't do it anymore. he was singing with other kids, got nervous, and he just couldn't do it anymore. but after he went through that and overcame that, you won't be nervous anymore because you've experienced it already. because it’s very different when you have experienced something and when you haven't.
- chenle thinks that best friends will be there to comfort you and encourage you when you need them, but will criticise you when you’re in the wrong. you need to learn to accept your friends’ criticisms. he also believes that you can’t only listen to people’s praises or only hear the good things. you have to listen to the bad too. you should listen to the bad things that will be useful for you, but don't listen if it doesn't make sense. chenle also said it would be even weirder if you avoid your friends only because they criticize you. because they are your friends, and they see your good points. they won't just see your bad side and then immediately stop being your friend. more descriptive quote here
- a fan has been single for 20 years and is asking chenle for relationship advice. chenle replied with, "why are you asking me?!" then suggested the fan to just keep making friends even with people who you think you can't be friends with.
- chenle thinks that even if you fail at your dreams after working hard, at least you won't regret it and think, "ah, if only i had worked harder." because if you worked hard and it didn't work out, you will only think, "ah, it's okay, i've worked hard." and you'll still feel gratified.
- daily program & topic : music wave
- chenle didn't know today's radio was viewable (it's viewable two days in a row !!)
- one time, chenle was at the incheon airport and he bought nct dream's kihno album. after buying it, he put it in his bag and then left. after 10 minutes, he thought to himself, "why do my hands feel light?" then he realized he left his luggage at the store and ran back to get it.
- chenle thinks (g)-idle's hann's whistle part is hard and he can't do it
- this is chenle's last live radio in a while. he probably meant he has recorded all the other radios for the next few days, and for next week, kun will be filling in for him as a special dj for a week (just like chenle filled in for renjun last year!) and xiaojun, winwin, and yangyang will be guest djs!
- chenle's song rec: universe - exo
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (wuzhen)
- chenle has never had long hair before so he will try it once. but he thinks he won't like it so he will stick to short hair.
- chenle is usually a little lazy when going to work but once he's at work, he is full of energy. chenle said that if you get bored or tired of work, you need to find something that will keep you going and motivated for work. chenle said it's essential to earn money anyway so it's better to work happily than to work not-so-happily.
- chenle's favorite architectural style and one that he wants to live in is 石库门 (shikumen), which is a traditional shanghainese architectural style combining western and chinese elements that first appeared in the 1860s.
- chenle has never been to 乌镇
- chenle hates seeing trash in pretty places. if people start putting trash in the correct place, others will follow. chenle said if you have trash on the floor, you have to pick it up and throw it away.
- chenle wants to go to 乌镇西栅 (wuzhen water town)
- chenle thinks it will be fun to go to a floating market. even if he doesn't need anything, it will be interesting to see things and buy things. he also thinks everything sold there will probably be fresh.
- chenle said if he lived in wuzhen (where the floating market is located), he will stay up all night watching movies until morning, then in the morning he will go shopping at the floating market, and then go back home and sleep throughout the noon. he thinks it already fits his current sleep schedule. (chenle tends to stay up all night and then sleep at 9:30am)
- chenle shared his mom's steamed fish recipe
- chenle's song rec: you are the reason - calum scott
THURSDAY, 210114
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (the notebook; titanic)
- chenle recommended zhuama to watch 'the notebook'. this movie was actually recommended to him by his friend. chenle's friend knew that chenle doesn't cry when watching movies so chenle should try watching this movie and see if he cries. chenle watched it but still didn't cry.
- chenle said 'the conjuring' isn't scary but has a lot of jumpscares, meanwhile 'the conjuring 2' is scarier but has less jumpscares.
- chenle has been watching a lot of horror movies lately and he gets really scared but he hasn't cried at all so far. he just shouts and screams a lot while watching them. he has been doing this because he wants to get rid of his fear of horror movies. he now watches them with his eyes open and whenever he wants to close his eyes, he thinks to himself, "you are a MAN, what are you scared of?!"
- 'the notebook' says that you will only ever love one person your whole life. chenle said he believes in that sentence, and he has always believed in it.
- chenle and zhuama recited the lines in titanic in full english
- chenle's song rec: lay me down - sam smith & john legend
FRIDAY, 210115
- daily program & topic : idol diary (idols who are good at cooking)
- one time, chenle got a haircut but it wasn't done by someone who usually does their hair. the person cut his hair really short and he sarcastically said that he was really satisfied. he looked forward to when his hair would grow longer.
- chenle has tried the food that stray kids' felix made. they once met up at a music show / activity and chenle tried 5 of felix's brownies. he said it was really good. felix told chenle to bring the brownies to the other nct members too but chenle secretly ate them all with the excuse that "good food shouldn't be shared. they should all be for yourself."
- chenle said he cooks better than renjun
- the food chenle makes best are mostly soups, especially stewed soups, such as chicken soup, corn and carrot and rib soup, beef and radish soup, and prawn head soup.
- op said that red velvet's wendy is good at cooking. chenle said it's not that he thought wendy is bad at cooking, but he just didn't know that wendy cooks.
- chenle sarcastically got mad when no one submitted him as the culinary king
- a listener talked about how jaemin participated in nct's king of cooking series (yorijori) and chenle subtly flexed about how he was also on the show and won against jaemin
SATURDAY, 210116
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle said, if he were in a band, he would like to play drums because he thinks drumming is so cool. he said he would either be a main vocal, keyboardist, or drummer.
- when listening to a song, chenle tends to feel like, "eh, i think this song is for me"
- chenle really loves snow and when it snows his mood becomes really good. he has fewer chances to see snow so whenever it snows, he makes a snowman. he built one the last time it snowed.
- someone called mark "mark hyung" and chenle corrected them by saying that mark is his son.
- chenle said his and renjun's writing in "a new beginning" is not bad. ("a new beginning" is renjun and chenle's graduation song that they wrote, arranged and composed all by themselves. listen to the song here)
- chenle's song rec: i'm yours - jason mraz
SUNDAY, 210117
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (my 2021)
- chenle said that the most important thing when learning anything is perseverance / determination / persistance. if you're determined, you'll always be able to learn it. if you aren't, halfway you'll just think you can't do it and then give up. so you need to keep being determined.
- kun said that you age faster if you sleep late. chenle agrees because when he met jeno earlier this year for practice, jeno asked chenle, "why do you look so old?"
- chenle said when he was little, he was too lazy to learn and practice piano, but his parents dragged him to practice. now he's very thankful that they did that and for making him persevere on. now he really loves it so he plays the piano frequently. kun said that whenever he's at chenle's house, chenle would play the piano when he's in the mood to, and he would always play his favorite piece.
- chenle said the best skill is to be able to make people cry doing a dance song
- chenle said he has someone younger than him who he adores so much, mark. he also said mark is his adopted son and daegal is his daughter. he then said he's really enjoying being a dad.
- chenle said ramen is not nutritional but it also doesn't have any bad points to it. chenle doesn't really like to it ramen recently. he likes to eat hand rolled noodles, but he has always liked that since he was young. now he doesn't really feel like eating ramen or eating anything. he just doesn't really have any cravings right now.
- chenle's song rec: to let a good thing die - bruno major. chenle said we'll get a lot of feels when listening to this song and it's a good song to fall asleep to. chenle tells everyone to sleep early and wake up early, don't learn from someone like him.

january 18, 2021 - january 24, 2021 highlights

chenle is absent from akdong seoul for a week starting from january 18, 2021 (210118) to january 24, 2021 (210124) due to personal reasons. kun is filling in for him with guest djs xiaojun, winwin, and yangyang on 3 different days.

january 25, 2021 - january 31, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210125
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle said he is very happy today because he did a recording and he did a good job at it
- chenle said his parents have made him feel touched and gave him a lot of strength. when he first came to korea, his parents accompanied him and came with him to live with him in korea. they would cook food for him and accompany him so that he's not lonely. but now that chenle is used to living by himself, they respect his decision and gives him his own space. chenle said that because of that, we as kids have to treat them well after everything they've done for us.
- chenle likes having guests over at his house. he also said that if mark comes over and spends the night at his house, he would welcome him with open arms and cook him breakfast every day and sing lullabies for him every night.
- chenle didn't listen to any of kun's radio shows when kun was taking over last week
- when chenle is talking to his parents and they have different opinions, they would each explain their perspectives and stances. if they're both correct, they would respect each other's opinions. if one of them is wrong, they would acknowledge their mistake.
- chenle is an impulsive buyer and he doesn't like to throw things away. he would always keep the things he bought and put them in a place just in case he might need them one day. he just can't bear to throw things away.
- chenle said he's very impatient and he doesn't like having unfinished things so when something comes up, he would always try to finish / solve it before going to sleep.
- chenle said that if you are in a bad mood but you don't open up to other people and instead bottle it up and keep it all to yourself, the more it builds up, it will make your mental state bad.
- when chenle is texting someone and they suddenly stop replying, he will wonder if he said something wrong and then check. if he didn't, he wouldn't worry. but if he realizes that he did, then he would think, "i'm done for"
- chenle advised us to tell what's on our mind to our friends. we can't just come to the conclusion that if we tell our problems to other people, they'll judge us, because chances are they won't, especially if they're our friends. as friends, they will listen to our problems. if we're in a bad mood, our friends will wonder why and get confused, but if you tell them about what's going on, they will help you. full quote here
- chenle said that we can trust our family the most because we're their child and no matter what, they won't see us in a negative light and will instead help us go through things.
- whenever chenle goes back to china, his korean becomes worse. but when he returns, he's never afraid to ask questions or make mistakes. he believes that making mistakes is part of the learning process. chenle said that we have to make mistakes to know that we're wrong. it's inevitable, but only then will you know what is right.
TUESDAY, 210126
- daily program & topic : music wave
- one time when nct dream was promoting, their schedules clashed with golden child. chene thinks golden child's stages are very synchronized and full of energy.
- whether it be a movie or a short film or a short video, chenle wants to film 2 things. the first one is him as a secret agent where he enters a stairway fulll of bad guys and then fight all 10 of them by himself, and then reach the leader. the second one is a zombie film where he becomes a zombie fighter who saves the world.
- chenle wants to learn how to film fight scenes for action films. he said it makes him feel like a male version of black widow.
- chenle wants to try zombie makeup. he said he once tried zombie makeup for halloween but people told him he looked like someone had just punched him in the face instead of like a zombie.
- chenle really likes the violin and he wants to try learning how to play the violin because he thinks a song becomes better and more beautiful with a violin sound in it.
- the song chenle chooses for his fight scene is 'kick it' by nct 127
- chenle likes video calling with his dad because his mom tends to nag at him. when he's video calling his dad and his mom comes, she'll go, "you're calling your dad again but not me..." and then his dad will go "nooo no ofc not~"
- chenle's song rec: who are you - sam kim
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (shangri la)
- when chenle was little, he was scared of riding the rollercoaster because he was afraid of the idea of flying around. as he got older, he decided to try it. he sat in the first row and he said the feeling of flying down was so good so after that, he rode 4 more different rollercoasters in a row. it became his most memorable rollercoaster experience.
- chenle prefers for the kids / babies to call him ahjussi (uncle) than hyung (older brother) because he thinks it's nicer
- chenle, zhuama, and pd jiejie were discussing what movies to watch next week and chenle recommended 'the conjuring' and 'annabelle' because they're such good movies but they said it's too scary and they don't want to. chenle still hopes the movies for next week are those two, though.
- chenle has a lot to do when he's alone. he watches dramas, movies, and animes. he drinks tea and wine and plays games, and he also plays piano and sings.
- chenle told the story of how he got a nosebleed for 10 minutes again (he talked about it once on 201216). they were filming the 'go' mv in california, and chenle went outside because he thought it would dry quickly. he first told the others to wait for him but still continue filming, but even after filming ended, his nose was still bleeding so he never went back inside.
- chenle said getting altitude sickness (physical distress from difficulty adjusting to lower oxygen pressure at high altitude) is like being drunk but worse
- at one point in his life, chenle didn't eat chicken. it was after he went to. farm and touched chickens. he fed them and played with them so he didn't dare to eat them then.
- a while ago chenle was curious about civet coffee so he decided to search for it in korea. he went to 3 places but they were all closed. he was so angry and so tired so he just went home and slept.
- chenle's song rec: i miss you - soyou
THURSDAY, 210128
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (twilight; the golden compass)
- chenle's favorite thing to do during the holidays is nothing because he believes that the holidays is the time to rest
- when chenle first came to korea, he was obsessed with pork stew / soup during his trainee days to the point where he got sick of it
- chenle has watched the whole twilight saga but can't remember much of it
- if chenle were to get a golden compass that will give him truthful answers to his questions, he would prefer to give it to someone else because he has nothing to ask. but if the golden compass could grant him a wish, he would.
- chenle and zhuama recited lines from twilight and chenle wanted to be bella
- chenle thinks robert pattinson was handsome in twilight but is so much more handsome in tenet
- chenle thinks there is a possibility that vampires exist
- zhuama didn't believe that chenle would watch the whole twilight saga when he went back home because whenever zhuama recommends movies for chenle to watch or whenever chenle says he would watch something, he always ends up not watching them. so zhuama said if he actually would watch the twilight saga, she would call him "dad". chenle said he'd watch all 5 films that just so he will be called "dad".
- chenle's song rec: simon says - nct 127
FRIDAY, 210129
- daily program & topic : idol diary (an idol who is good at sports)
- chenle said no one is born sociable so it's okay if you're socially awkward. just go and make friends with others and don't be afraid. that way, you can be better at communicating with other people.
- longjun asked if chenle would do pushups as a hobby, and chenle said no. he said if he can just not move at all, he would do that instead.
- chenle's current fitness level is very bad that he can't even run 1 km
- chenle saw shinee's minho's muscles on the internet before and he said minho is really manly
- chenle was supposed to play basketball today. he was even about to book the court. he wanted to invite mark but mark said he was busy so chenle decided not to go at all because it's boring to play alone. he can but it wouldn't be as fun as when he's playing with other people.
- chenle thinks yangyang is the best basketball player in nct. he also said mark is a better basketball player than him.
- so far, chenle has been playing basketball mostly with jaehyun and mark. he hasn't played with yangyang that many times.
- in chenle's eyes, stephen curry is an all-rounder idol who's great in all areas and is very charismatic
- chenle is better at scoring 3 pointers than the other members
- chenle plays basketball very often and it's usually 1v1 or 2v2. if he's tired they usually play for about an hour.
- the way chenle meditates is he just sits down and meditates. when he meditates he just hears and feels his breathing which makes it boring and it makes him think of a lot of other thoughts in his mind, which are usually the things he's been concerned about lately. so chenle uses meditation as a way to self reflect.
- chenle doesn't really know martial arts but he's thought about learning it before
- chenle said he just enjoys playing basketball but he's not very good
- chenle's song rec: palace - sam smith
SATURDAY, 210130
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- when chenle is going to work, he prefers not to listen to any songs at all when he wakes up because he's afraid that he might hate the song. he said that it's because when he's going to work, he wakes up not because he wants to but because he has to, and that puts him in a bad mood. and when he listens to a song when he's in a bad mood, he's going to be annoyed and hate that song, no matter what it is.
- chenle really likes the feeling of sitting at home and listening to music while drinking tea
- there is a video of chenle from back when he was young of him dancing around and humming to the song "time to say goodbye" by andrea bocelli. chenle's parents likes to record memories like that. in the video, they played this song and chenle can be seen standing on the bed, dancing and humming to this song. at that moment, chenle's dad thought, "hmm, this kid has a gift". chenle has watched that video before and he found it so amusing.
- chenle finds it really moving to watch videos of him from when he was young, even if it's from a few years ago or 2 to 3 years ago. even though they're more recent, he feels very moved when watching them because he likes seeing how he was back then.
- chenle got so excited when he heard that a fan sent in a voice recording
- chenle likes both old songs and new songs. he likes any songs as long as they're good. he thinks every generation has its own charms.
- chenle's song rec: when i was your man - bruno mars. chenle said that this is a really sad song and he likes sad songs. he also said the melody of this song is really good.
SUNDAY, 210131
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (who i want to be if i could live as someone else for a day)
- chenle said kun did well when he filled in for chenle as special dj so chenle didn't need to listen to him on the radio because the listeners listened on his behalf
- chenle said concert staff are very important because they have to set up the stage and control the sound and lighting systems, and when they're doing online concerts, they have to test the internet. chenle is very thankful to them. when they're backstage and the vcr is playing, there will always be people counting down the time left. the most fun thing for chenle is to compete and see who's the slowest and scold them.
- chenle said the hardest thing about concerts is changing outfits because they have to deal with buttons or really tight pants. chenle said he sweats a lot and easily, especially on his nose. whenever he sweats easily, people would ask him, "are you an ahjussi (uncle)?"
- chenle thinks songwriting is hard. he once wrote a song for his graduation with renjun and he found that coming up with lyrics was really hard. the melody is done, and you just have to think of a topic and come up with lyrics and write the lyrics down, but it was like his and renjun's brains were empty and they couldn't think of anything. chenle said it took them so long.
- chenle said writing melody is easier because you can sing the melody out loud
- chenle said there's nothing easy in this world. you need to work hard and put effort for everything.full quote here
- when chenle was young and he just returned from school, he would ask his mom to cook / prepare some food for him but his mom would always tell him to do it himself because she was tired. he didn't understand why she was tired because she was at home the whole day. now that he lives alone he understands why. she needs to do a lot of chores around the house so her waist would hurt a lot. he then said, "i'm sorry mom"
- chenle said the songs that the a&r (artists & repertoire) staff pick aren't that great so let him pick the songs instead
- chenle said if he and daegal switched places as each other for a day, he would definitely be killed by her.
- a listener said they want to try living as a trainee for a day. chenle said they'll definitely regret it, but then encouraged them to still try it because they might be the next big thing / superstar.
- chenle was beside kun when kun and renjun fought regarding weight. chenle was just standing there watching the two fight. renjun asked kun, "why are you drinking cola? the manager told you to lose weight." but kun answered saying that what he was drinking was zero calorie cola. chenle said kun looked so pitiful when he said, "t’s so hard losing weight, i cant even drink a zero calorie cola?". chenle said the two was fighting very hard and he didn't know what to do so he just laid there. kun said him and renjun fighting over that was very childish because renjun had good intentions. chenle then said every time kun and renjun fight, it's always childish. kun then said that after 10 minutes, him and renjun made up. chenle didn't know this part because after they fought, he just thought, "oh, i have class. i have to go." chenle then said to the listeners that the story we just heard was the growing story of two kindergarten kids. full translations by @squishyychenle here
- chenle trained for a musical when he was young and he needed to run while singing. at the beginning he was shaky but gradually he started getting better. chenle said if you can sing while running, dancing will be fine for you.
- after kun said that yangyang is like the young master in the wayv dorm because he doesn't do chores and he volunteers to pay other members to do the dishes, chenle then said yangyang has won his heart.
- if chenle could be another member for a day, he would want to try being mark because he wants to know what it feels like to be his own son. he wants to know how blessed it would feel. chenle said mark is so blessed to be chenle's son because chenle is very good to him and he couldn't be any better to mark. chenle said he's too good to mark.
- chenle only gave mark a christmas present because he knew what mark wanted. kun was fine with it because not long after that, kun also got a present from chenle for his birthday.
- chenle also wants to try being stephen curry for a day to know what it feels like to score more than 30 points in a game. he thinks it would be nice to have hands and body like that.
- kun wants to try skydiving and chenle said that it's great and they can go try together if it's available in korea
- chenle wants to try doing a marathon because he wants to challenge himself because right now he can't do it. chenle believes that running a marathon is all about perseverance. he is only great at persevering when it comes t


february 1, 2021 - february 7, 2021 highlights

- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle has a new jacket
- chenle feels really sleepy right now because he just slept in the car on the way to the radio station. he slept early last night, it was actually the earliest he slept this year. he slept at 2 am and woke up at 12 pm. he said it felt nice.
- chenle wants to learn japanese because he enjoys watching anime and he also thinks yuta looks really cool when speaking japanese. he feels that he wouldn't be as cool as yuta when he speaks japanese but he still wants to try it.
- today chenle went shopping and bought a hat that is similar to the bucket hat he's wearing right now. he saw one that he thought was nice, but his head didn't fit. because that one is a sample, he then asked for the biggest size for him to try on. he tried the biggest one and it was still too small so he didn't buy it.
- chenle kept poking his nose not because he's picking his nose but because his nose is itchy because his hair kept touching his nose because his hair is long and straight now. the reason why his hair is like that is because he recently permed his hair to straighten it so now even after he washes his hair, it's still straight and flat. it's not outwards anymore. now it's all flat and it makes chenle feel like he has very little hair.
- chenle and guozhen talked so much that they ran out of time to play the first song again
- chenle said if we realize that we're falling behind in class then we need to realize and start working hard again to keep up with the things we missed. he said that it's never too late as long as we're willing to work hard to catch up. what we shouldn't do is when we already know we're falling behind but we still think, "i'll just catch up with my studies later". full quote here
- chenle just showered before leaving the house today
- not sleeping is chenle's way of recharging
- chenle thinks the most important thing is to realize the importance of studying. the listener may not have realized it yet so they probably won't listen to him and guozhen. but once the listener takes the exam, fails, and gets scolded by their parents, then they'll realize how important studying is. and then they'll be able to control themselves from playing with their phone too much. they just haven't realized it yet right now.
- a listener said chenle has a new goal now. chenle got confused because he doesn't remember saying anything about having new goals. he also said he has 7 shows of akdong seoul a week, there's no way he would remember every sentence he said on radio.
TUESDAY, 210202
- daily program & topic : music wave
- the first iu song chenle listened to was "through the night" and he found the song really nice. he forgot how the song goes but he remembers listening to it and thinking that it's nice and that her tone is really nice too.
- chenle's song rec: yes - minseo
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (prague)
- although chenle still talks to his members and his friends in korean, nowadays he feels that his korean skills aren't that good and he doesn't know why. he told the manager that he wants to take korean classes again but his manager just went, "oh?! you're bad at korean?!". chenle also wants to learn english again.
- a fan asked if chenle can still accept red envelopes / red packets (hongbao) because where the fan lives, if one can already earn money by themselves, they can't receive hongbao anymore. chenle replied saying "how can you say that? if my aunties at home hear this, what am i going to do this year?"
- chenle said when he was young he enjoyed receiving hongbao. but he's grown up now so people don't have to give him hongbao anymore. he said he's the one who's going to give his nephew the hongbao. for this year's lunar new year, chenle is planning on giving his nephew a big hongbao. he used to be the youngest in his family but now that his nephew is the youngest one, he has to be good to his nephew.
- chenle has been to prague but it was so long ago and he was so young so he doesn't remember much. he only remembers building a snowman there when it was snowing.
- the only three things chenle remembers about his prague trip is not eating a cake, making a snowman, and playing a vegetable slicing game in the car while hiding from his mom because she wouldn't let him play games in the car
- chenle likes children's voices because it reminds him of how his voice used to sound like
THURSDAY, 210204
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (the conjuring; annabelle)
- chenle ate hotpot with jisung today. while eating they listened to music and talked about a lot of things.
- today is zhuama’s first live broadcast on akdong seoul
- pd jiejie tried to joke around with chenle and zhuama by putting scary music in their headphones but they weren't scared so chenle sarcastically pretended to be scared
- chenle thinks annabelle 2 (annabelle: creation) is the scariest movie in the conjuring series, meanwhile annabelle 3 (annabelle comes home) was not scary
- in the conjuring movies and the first annabelle movie, chenle wondered why the characters made bad decisions. it stressed him out. but in the other movies, the situations were unavoidable.
- chenle watched the conjuring 2 before watching the first one
- the scaries part in "the conjuring" movie for chenle is the 'hide and clap' part where the mom went to the basement and suddenly the door closed and someone clapped beside her
- chenle always hugs something (like a pillow) whenever he watches movies because it makes him feel safe
- chenle said whenever he's with his son mark, he feels more energized. he also said mark is so cute.
- chenle's song rec: the 7th sense - nct u
FRIDAY, 210205
- daily program & topic : idol diary (an idol who is good at sports)
- chenle has been learning english and korean lately. he's learning korean because his korean skills have gotten worse recently, and he's been learning english because he used to be good at it and he wants to pick it up again. he said it would be nice if his english skills becomes as good as his korean skills.
- chenle used to be able to do planks for over 3 minutes but these days he doesn't think he's able to last for even 1 minute because he hasn't exercised in a long time. he used to do home training but now he's "just home, no training"
- the best thing when hiking for chenle is bringing a thermos and ramen and then cooking the ramen and eating it while sitting on the top of the mountain and looking at the view. chenle said he likes hiking. he hiked bukhansan and he ate ramen at the top.
- chenle can't just play sports for entertainment, he usually gives it his all when playing. when he plays basketball for example, his mind becomes blank and the only thing he thinks of is the game, and it makes him get injured easily. there was a time when he had to rest for 1-2 months and walked with crutches for a month.
- at one point, chenle was injured but they had to film a music video and the set had a basketball court and a basketball. he thought his injury wasn't that serious so he decided to play. after playing, his injury got even more serious. he said there are people who are like him who needs to be injured first to finally know the suffering.
- next week is the "akdong seoul worldwide talent show" event on friday and chenle said everyone can bring out all of their personal skills. chenle said people can do a somersault, do a thomas flair, do a headstand, etc., and then longjun said all the stuff chenle said are impossible because they only accept audio recordings. chenle then said we can do a thomas flair with just sound. so he proceeded to do it...
- if chenle could do a vlog, he would show the daily life of daegal. when longjun said daegal has been disobedient recently, chenle said it's just part of puberty. chenle said daegal keeps biting her pad until it's spoiled and one time chenle came home to find daegal chewing on all the tissue paper. longjun said that it's a sign that daegal wants chenle to accompany her more often, basically telling the owner, "you're ignoring me". longjun said if chenle opened a channel he would accompany her more, but he said even without opening a channel he already accompanies her! so longjun said opening a channel while accompanying her is like killing two birds with one stone.
- chenle said renjun is really great at doing the 'lionheart' choreo
- chenle said jeno is really good at cycling! he can cycle from cheongdam to yeouido and back. when the manager followed him, when they were on the way back, the manager couldn’t even walk because his legs got tired, but jeno was fine. jeno cycles like he's working out. he also takes care of his bicycle as if it's his own girlfriend. he cleans the wheels, handles, and everything else every day. chenle said if he were to cycle to the places mentioned and back, he would be on the floor when they get back.
- chenle's song rec: it only takes a moment - michael crawford. this is chenle's current favorite song recently and he recommends listening to it while looking at the lyrics because the song is so romantic and beautiful and it made him feel touched.
SATURDAY, 210206
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle agrees that all good and bad things that happen to us in life will eventually become nice memories. whenever he looks back, all the memories seem to be full of smiles regardless of whether they were good or bad.
- chenle has the book 'the little prince' at home. his mom gave it to him when he was little but he had only read the first page and hasn't read it at all ever since.
- chenle said he likes voice recording submissions because it's like the listener is part of the program. then he jokingly said he also likes it because he doesn't have to read anything.
- chenle slept at 9 am this morning. what he does when he stays up all night is watch movies and tv shows. he has been rewatching 'friends' again lately. this is his 4 or 5th time watching. chenle said when he watches the same thing many times, he'll find new interesting or funny points that he didn't notice before. he usually keeps watching until he falls asleep without knowing. he watched until 9 or 10 am today.
- chenle can watch his favorite films or shows 10 times
- chenle has watched 'the shawshank redemption' and 'the green mile' around 4 or 5 times and 'interstellar' and 'inception' around 3 times
- the listener said they like men who can play instruments and sing well. chenle then said he likes those kinds of men too.
- listener said after listening to 'dream launch', they are now no longer afraid to reach their dreams. chenle said this is the power of idols. it makes him really happy to see that their songs gives the fans energy and courage.
- chenle's song rec: 12월 24일 - d.ear. he also recommended his cover with doyoung, jungwoo, and renjun
SUNDAY, 210207
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (who i want to be if i could live as someone else for a day)
- when chenle invites someone to go out, he usually arrives to the meeting spot 10 minutes early because he usually has nothing to do.
- chenle said no director would want to direct a documentary about nct dream because they are so noisy. chenle applauds anyone who wants to enter nct dream's dorm.
- chenle said if he became the richest person in the world, he wants to help many more people since he has the capability to do so.
- chenle said everyone lives tiring lives and no one's life is easy. he said that even the richest people have their pressures. they climbed up and they weren't born with that much money. the money they earned is from their hard work and even after they became the richest, they will still not be relaxed because they're going to have to think about how they can help contribute to society with their money. they're already the richest so they might worry about how to maintain their wealth / not run out of money so they are definitely also pressured. full quote here
- when chenle first got daegal, she was very cute. she would yelp for him to play with her but then when he plays with him, sometimes she would pee on the floor.
- chenle's house has many visitors. every day his house becomes nct's gathering place. one member would visit today, then another member would visit the next day, and so on.
- when chenle is resting, he can do a lot of things. he likes drinking tea although recently he hasn't really enjoyed it since he has other stuff to do. he likes playing the piano. he used to not enjoy playing the piano because he had to practice and his mom would always tell him to practice fast. chenle said there is an urge to rebel whenever someone tells you to do stuff like that. but now he's trying to enjoy playing the piano. now he plays the piano every day and when he's playing, he turns off the lights and lights up candles. he said he loves the atmosphere when he lights up the candle on the farthest side of his living room, because then he can see the light from the piano room. other than that, he also watches movies, dramas, animations, plays games, and eats.
- next week's topic is "the festive nagging you hate the most". chenle likes this topic. he talks about how people tends to go, "look at other people’s children! they’re married with kids! what are YOU doing? NOT EVEN A GIRLFRIEND!"
- if chenle could try another career, he wants to try being pd jiejie so when the dj is inside, he can criticize the dj and tease the dj. chenle thinks pd jiejie is very kind because chenle tends to say a lot of messy stuff but she never edits them out, and he's still working here. chenle said if it was someone else, he probably would've gotten fired by now so he's very thankful to pd jiejie.
- if chenle were a teacher, he would hope that he can share all his knowledge to other people because there is a feeling of accomplishment knowing that someone learned something and succeeded and you're the one who taught them. and when the students become better than you, it also feels good.
- chenle said he tends to be late to radio due to the traffic
- chenle's song rec: free love - honne

february 8, 2021 - february 14, 2021 highlights

- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle was shocked to find out that the year of the cow is coming because he still remembers what he did in the last year of the cow (12 years ago)
- chenle is wearing all black today
- chenle is the type of friend who tends to take initiative first and ask people to hang out first
- whenever chenle hangs out with mark, it's always him who initiates asking mark out first. mark never asks chenle out first. but chenle still believes that mark loves him.
- when chenle has to do something he likes, he's always very concentrated. his concentration becomes very strong and he becomes super efficient. but if he has to do something he doesn't like, even if the dislike towards that thing is just a little bit, he will be extremely slow at doing it. he will still do it since he has to do it, but the results won't be the same.
- chenle wants to eat hotpot when he gets home so in the middle of the radio show while the song was playing, he ordered hotpot so that by the time he arrived at home, it would already be on his doorstep.
- when chenle was at a music show, watching other idols perform on the monitor in the waiting room, he was drinking water. and when he was still holding the water in his mouth and was just about to swallow the water, he suddenly hiccuped and all the water spat out from his mouth.
- a few days before, there was only a little water left in chenle's water bottle so he wanted to finish it all because he knows that he can drink water very fast. he can drink a full bottle of water in 10 seconds. he drank it all and hold the water in his mouth, but then he suddenly choked. chenle also said that his mouth is really big and he can hold a lot of water in his mouth, and yet he choked, and the water spilled all over his bed.
- chenle said he has at least lost 7 pairs of airpods
- chenle feels that when you're faced with a problem, you shouldn't run away from it because if you run away, you won't ever grow. you need to face the problem and solve it so that your heart grows stronger and when you meet the same problem again, you'll know how to face it. chenle believes that if we instead run away, it will always come back again. full quote here
- chenle doesn't get nervous when it comes to maintaining relationships with his family because even though his family is really big, he's close with everyone in the family and he likes being with everyone in the family
- chenle said he understands the feeling of being nagged at, but chenle thinks it's about controlling our own mind. everyone is probably annoyed about festive nagging so we refuse to answer stuff before people even start asking, so once the relatives start asking, we immediately get annoyed. but we don't have to feel so negatively about it since we know they always ask all kinds of questions about everything during gatherings and holidays like this.
- chenle's song rec: no time for caution - hans zimmer
TUESDAY, 210209
- daily program & topic : music wave
- chenle's family and daegal all snore and chenle is a heavy sleeper so he's not easily woken up so he has never had any trouble not being able to sleep due to noises. he's used to it. he can still fall asleep easily.
- the day before, chenle didn't sleep all night. so chenle basically attended a dream schedule and viewable radio without any sleep at all.
- chenle's biggest idol is stephen curry who became famous in 2010. chenle said stephen curry is still very tall at 191cm, he just looks short because basketball players are all really tall. chenle also said curry is good-looking.
- chenle knew the singer zhoushen (周深) from a singing program called “super vocal” (深入人心) and he said his voice is very nice
- chenle's song rec: and i’m here - kim kyunghee
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (home)
- when chenle was young, when he was performing on stage for the first time, he was super scared. he completely failed during his first performance. the second time, he forced himself to do it. chenle said that once you've done it, you'll have the confidence and know that you can do it so you'll continue to succeed.
- chenle said that when we're learning with other people, we don't have to worry too much about what other people think because each person is concerned about their own performa and about how they did. no one has the time to care about how the others did.
- chenle's favorite part about celebrating chinese new year is going around and receiving red packets. he said that there's a rule when receiving red packets. first, you have to pretend to say no first, and then the person who's giving it will insist for you to take, and then you take it. you have to make excuses first.
- chenle gave lanlan his pink airpods max because it's not the color he actually wanted. he'll buy a new pair of airpods max later.
- chenle's family holds a lucky draw every year during chinese new year. the prices are $300 for 3rd place, $500 for 2nd place, and $1000 for first place. chenle's mom usually gets first place and chenle gets second place.
- chenle's song rec: through the night - iu
THURSDAY, 210211 - FRIDAY, 210212
- akdong seoul holds a 'worldwide talent show' event with le-d and guest djs zhuama and longjun
SATURDAY, 210213
- chenle doesn't have any plans for new year because it'll just be the same as always and his family isn't here so there isn't much for him to do. he thinks reuniting with his family is the best thing to do during the holidays but since he can't do that right now, he'll just be alone.
- chenle really likes the song 'sound of silence' by simon and garfunkel
- chuyuan asked chenle if he's a member who receives more care from others or if he's the one who gives more care to others. chenle said he's half of each because he gives a lot and receives a lot too. chenle believes that the amount of love you give is the amount of love you receive. as long as you treat someone well, they will treat you equally as well.
- chenle asked chuyuan to tell him about his love story but chuyuan said the listeners won't be interested. chenle said he doesn't care, he's interested and he's the dj here so he gets to decide.
- chenle said that encounters and memories are very precious because every time you meet a person, it is a precious moment because nothing is forever.
- chenle is the type to cherish the present but not express it in words. chenle has never expressed it in music either. he has never told anyone 'i love you'. he expresses it more through his actions, but he doesn't say stuff like that.
- chenle's song rec: to let a good thing die - bruno major. this is a sad song that chenle frequently plays in his sad songs playlist.
SUNDAY, 210214
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the new year's / holiday's nagging i hate most)
- for chenle, the best way to avoid getting nagged during the holidays is by listening carefully to all the nagging. the ones who nag are elderly and they pay attention a lot, and of course it will be annoying, but it's better to listen than to refuse.
- when chenle's mom nags at him, he just goes "yes... i get it... / i understand... i also think that it's not bad..." and he actually listens to these words and is trying to fix himself.
- chenle always proudly tells his parents when he does well on his test so his parents won't nag at him. his parents used to nag at him concerning exams and compare him to other people's kids. chenle is the type to not really revise for an exam, he only revises for two hours and then stop doing it anymore. his mom would go, "look at the other kids! they revise all day long!" and chenle's reply would be, "if i can revise efficiently in only two hours and still do well on the test, why should i revise all day long?"
- chenle usually plays after revising for an exam. it calms you down and stops you from freaking out or being nervous because when you're nervous, the exam might not go well.
- chenle believes that the next time he gets home for the holidays, people will start nagging him about when he will get married because he's already older than 20 (korean age). but chenle said the most important thing is not about marrying early, but more about finding the right person.
- chenle prefers rice over snacks because when he was little, his father wouldn't let him eat or drink too many snacks so he got used to it and now he doesn't like them. he also said coke is delicious but he rarely drinks coke. he only drinks it once a month or sometimes once in six months. he only drinks water.
- chenle's favorite snacks are char siu bao (pork steamed bun), char siu (pork bbq), pork ribs, chicken feet, and pork dumplings
- at home, chenle always gets compared to other people's children. his dad would always say, "look at that kid. look at how hard he studies and how he doesn't play," but chenle never listens to it.
- chenle said the best way to answer nagging is by joking around. when someone asks you, "when will you get married?", answer them saying, "tomorrow!" and it will make the atmosphere less awkward.
- chenle's song rec: loser - big bang

february 15, 2021 - february 21, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210215
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle took an english class a few days ago and the teacher is canadian so he had to speak only in full english throughout the class. they only spoke english with each other and the teacher said chenle's english skills was good and that he did well.
- chenle videocalled his family during chinese new year and watched his brother and cousin play basketball and said that he could crush their skills but he's not there so there's nothing he can do.
- chenle said daegal is very sociable and very good at socializing with people. when she meets a stranger, she would rush to them and lick them. he said she's even more approachable than him.
- during the advertisement, chenle videocalled his nephew for 1 minute and his nephew even called him uncle and it makes him so happy. guozhen said chenle's voice was all sweet when talking to his nephew.
- chenle initially wasn't gonna give his nephew any new years money because if he gives it to him now, it would go to his brother (since his nephew is only a toddler so the money will be kept by his brother for the time being). but two days ago, he videocalled with his nephew and his nephew called him uncle and gave him a squinting eyes performance. chenle couldn't handle the cuteness so he transferred his nephew RMB1000 and told his brother not to touch the money because it's his nephew's money.
- chenle found a video of him dancing back during his trainee days in 2016 and he said his dancing was really bad. but he found it cute.
- chenle asked why girls have to be gentle and quiet meanwhile boys have to exercise / play sports. he said guys can be gentle and quiet too and also exercise, and girls can exercise and play sports too and also be quiet and gentle. chenle told the listener if she likes to play basketball then play.
- chenle's song rec: fly me to the moon - lisa ono. chenle said this song is totally his style.
TUESDAY, 210216
- daily program & topic : music wave
- chenle's friend told him to watch chungha's 'bicycle' mv and stage and chenle thinks her dancing is amazing. chenle also called chungha a dancing machine.
- when they were playing 'bicycle' by chungha, chenle and jinyong watched the mv for it and chenle said that "as a rap hobbyist", he finds it very cool.
- chenle has been practicing mark's rap in cherry bomb and will show it to us next time
- chenle also thinks 'gotta go' by chungha is really nice
- chenle read a comment in the live chat of a fan teasing him about a song he performed for a special program back during his predebut days, "巧克力王"
- when they were playing the song, chenle practiced mark's part in cherry bomb and it almost got broadcasted.
- chenle's song rec: domino - jessie j
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (singapore)
- a listener recommended the show 淑女飘飘拳 (sweet tai chi) to chenle, which is a show that the listener finds really sweet. chenle says he likes watching sweet shows so he will make time to watch it.
- chenle knew that the merlion in singapore spits water because he watched it in a detective conan episode. there was a part where they went to singapore and from there, chenle knew about the merlion and marina bay sands.
- chenle also knows that marina bay sands has a pool on top from detective conan. he then asked how much is a room there per night.
- chenle saw lanlan's wechat friend circle and saw what lanlan did during the new years holiday and chenle finds it very romantic. he even commented on her post saying "look how romantic" in a very jealous way.
- chenle thinks the super trees in garden’s by the bay singapore are very pretty
- 甜蜜蜜 (tian mi mi) by 邓丽君 is chenle's mom's favorite song
- chenle has never tried chili crab but he feels that it tastes good. when lanlan told him that there's a place in korea that sells chili crab, chenle immediately asked lanlan for the address.
- chenle explained that the reason why he scratches his hair frequently isn't because he doesn't wash his hair, but because his body gets hot easily. he washes his hair every day, but his body heats up easily and whenever his body gets warmer, he starts getting itchy. it's a type of allergy where whichever part of his body gets warmer, he gets itchy there. he said that he's not itchy because he's dirty, he's itchy because he's allergic.
- chenle really wants to go to the marina bay sands hotel. he explained that whenever he travels with his parents, he always chooses the hotel and his hotel standards are very high because he tends to just stay at the hotel for most of the time. whenever his mom is together with him and his dad, she would always get angry and talk about how she shouldn't have come with chenle and his dad because chenle and his dad would only lay in bed and stay at the hotel all day. while his mom likes going around and looking at pretty places, chenle and his dad just lay around in the hotel room, lay at the beach, or look for places with good food.
- chenle's song rec: all of me - john legend
THURSDAY, 210218
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (interstellar)
- chenle believes that everything isn't easy. being a student is hard and tiring and so is working. he believes that every job and every life has their tiring and difficult parts. so we don’t have to be afraid of making mistakes because mistakes are very normal when we're doing something for the first time. the most important thing is to learn from it and correct ourselves. full quote here
- if chenle wasn't a singer, he would do business
- chenle really likes the movie 'interstellar'. he likes science fiction movies in general but he especially likes 'interstellar'.
- zhuama said she's still trying to understand 'tenet' meanwhile chenle said he already understood 60% of it and he said that means he's smarter than zhuama
- chenle almost cried watching two scenes in 'interstellar'. the first one is the message from the daughter and the second one is when they reunited
- chenle and zhuama recited lines from interstellar!
- chenle's song rec: forever - aespa
FRIDAY, 210219
- daily program & topic : idol diary (my idol's idol)
- chenle mentions how when people suddenly stumble upon or meet their old friends or people they used to know, they would rather pretend to not see them than say hello to them.
- chenle's idol is stephen curry and the senior he idolizes most in the industry is tvxq's u-know yunho. chenle agrees when longjun said that when we were younger it was easy to name the people we idolize but as we grow older it's now harder and we can only name 1 or 2 names.
- when the listener asked how chenle felt when stephen curry noticed him, at first chenle said that it's a secret that only he can experience. he then told the story about how curry gave him a signed jersey. chenle then shared that another thing that makes him the happiest is the fact that he and curry are mutuals on weibo.
- chenle dreamed that he and curry are friends and they'd talk often and play basketball together and curry would send him messages about how good he played that day. chenle said whenever he dreams like that he never wants to wake up.
- chenle said his closest friend is jisung although the two of them have very different personalities. it's not mark because mark is his son
- chenle really likes taemin's 'want' and during dream concert taemin was the final performer and chenle found him really cool and handsome when he came on stage.
- chenle finds taemin's ability to sing and dance as really amazing. before 'move' came out, nct dream was practicing and there was a big monitor and on the screen was a video of taemin practicing 'move'. dream didn't have anything to do back then so they secretly watched it and found it really cool. it was their first time finding a choreography like this where it's not powerful but still full of emotions and it's different from what people usually see. chenle also mentioned that it's very special and taemin does it all in a cool way, and every dream member had a "woah" reaction watching the video.
- chenle believes that if an actor plays an antagonist and we dislike that character, it means they did a great job acting.
- chenle believes that being able to meet your idol is a really amazing thing and he personally believes that he will get a chance to meet stephen curry one day. he once watched a match that curry played in and he has imagined over hundreds of times what he would do if he ever meets curry.
- chenle said curry is very kind and a great husband who takes good care of his wife and kids
- when dream has schedules, chenle would show whoever is sitting next to him, videos of stephen curry. for example, jisung is sitting next to him, then he'll show the videos to jisung. at first jisung would say he's not interested, but then he'll watch it, think that it's not bad, and chenle will make him watch more videos.
- whenever chenle hangs out with his close friends, he would show them stephen curry videos and if they don't pay attention or look away from the video for a second, he would tell them "watch the video properly!!! YOU MISSED IT!!!" and rewind the video from the start and tell them to rewatch it.
- chenle said he knows most of nct 127 and nct u's choreographies and sarcastically said the only one he doesn't know is nct dream.
- chenle's favorite nct choreo is 'cherry bomb'. chenle also said once he's done practicing the rap of 'cherry bomb' he will show it, livestream it or share it on sns, and go to the next season of 'show me the money'. longjun added that he should go on 'rap of china' after that so it becomes ALL KILL.
SATURDAY, 210220
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- wen junhui (svt's jun) is the closest person to chenle outside of nct. they're pretty close and they always play games together. they played games until 6am the night before.
- jun let chenle hear his song before its official release. chenle finds the song 'silent boarding gate' really good because jun usually has a higher tension and is crazy like chenle but this song is very gentle and it's a reverse charm. chenle also already told jun that it's good.
- just now chenle messaged jun telling him that he recommended jun's song on radio and jun then told chenle to also recommend the song 'crow (烏鴉)' from the album and also listen to the whole album.
- a lot of music chenle listened to when he was younger was recommended by his dad. just like chenle, chenle's dad also likes slow songs with nice melodies so chenle grew up liking the same type of songs. back then 100% of his song recommendations came from his dad, but nowadays as he grows older it becomes only 40% because he starts getting recommendations from his friends or he listens to new songs from hosting akdong seoul.
- chenle said the songs his dad recommended to him are now too old. he's not scared of saying that on radio because him and his dad jokes around and bickers a lot so his dad wouldn't take it seriously.
- chenle finds the lyrics of michael crawford's 'it only takes a moment' as very beautiful and romantic
- a foreign listener sent in a message in korean and chenle said "turns out our radio is an international radio!"
- chenle likes romantic songs with piano melody. he said that there are a lot of songs that we listened to when we were younger that give us a different feeling when we grow older and listen to it again.
- chenle thinks tvxq's u-know yunho is a really great senior and he's not only saying this for the sake of praising seniors because he's not the kind of person who would do that. whenever he meets his juniors, he would give them advices and don't just encourage them. he would watch their stages and tell them which parts they're doing well and which parts they can improve / do better at. chenle also mentioned how even though he has debuted for so many years, he's still very hardworking at releasing music and new work and promoting and performing on stages. chenle finds him really incredible and he's really someone to learn from.
- chenle's song rec: la vie en rose - louis armstrong
SUNDAY, 210221
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the new year's / holiday's nagging i hate most)
- chenle usually goes to his parents and close friends for advice, and then out of all the advice that each person has given him, he picks the best / most useful one to listen to and do
- chenle always tell people who want to lose weight to keep eating meals because they need energy and they should get energy from meals. but he advises them to cut down on snacks and soft drinks if they want to lose weight because it will not only help them lose wieght but also make them healthier.
- chenle said being a scriptwriter isn't a bad decision, like caoli jiejie who is also a scriptwriter. chenle believes that scriptwriters should get paid quite a lot. he advised the listener to take caoli jiejie as a role model and said that even though there are sometimes typos in the script, it's okay as long as the dj understands what she means.
- a listener said that their parents keep nagging at them and telling them to start dating because they've never dated before. chenle believes that this has to do with the way the listener is raised. if their parents were strict growing up then they won't have a chance to interact with people of the opposite gender so they won't know how to interact and become lazy.
- when chenle becomes a parent one day he will encourage his kids to make friends so that they know how to communicate with people. he said he won't be over-controlling or strict because he believes that it's important for someone to have social skills and be able to interact with different kinds of people.
- chenle's parents never told chenle things like "when you're old you have to do this for us, do that for us" because his parents know that when chenle is older he will take them to a lot of nice places
- chenle said the best way to not get nagged at about not getting perfect grades or getting first place in class is to keep it lowkey. parents will nag about their children not getting first place in class because they've seen their children be able to do that before. so the thing the kid has to do is just keep things lowkey if they ever get first place. so that when their rank gets lower, they won't get nagged at.
- last year during chinese new year, nct dream were already practicing for ridin' so chenle went back home to china a month before chinese new year.
- chenle recorded a song and told his dad that he would let him hear it if he gives chenle a red packet, but his dad said he didn't want to, so chenle said he won't let his dad hear the song if he doesn't send chenle a red packet. chenle's dad then immediately transferred some money to chenle.
- chenle said he is best of quarreling. chenle's way of quarreling is by asserting dominance by making his voice louder. he believes that when it comes to arguments / fights / quarrels, the most important thing isn't what you say, but how loud and dominating you are.
- chenle's song rec: a thousand years - christina perri

february 22, 2021 - february 28, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210222
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- back when chenle was still in school, he used to look forward to the new school year because he was excited about getting new textbooks and going to the bookstore to buy new study materials. he likes buying new books because the texture of a new book is really smooth, but he didn't really read them.
- this is chenle's first time coming to work after laying in bed for the last 3 days
- chenle is trying to fix his sleep schedule and he has a new habit of sleeping at 2am now. before that, he used to always sleep at 9am. he said he even woke up at 9am today.
- chenle said he doesn't need that much sleep anymore. he used to need 10 hours of sleep but now he's fine with only 4 hours of sleep. guozhen said it's because babies need a lot of sleep, and chenle said that means he was still a baby up until 2 years ago.
- chenle admits that he tends to say a lot of useless things during radio that they need to cut or skip a song because they run out of time. he was just prerecording with lanlan and lanlan asked why the first half of the show went by so quickly and chenle said that it's because he said too much nonsense.
- a listener said they want to change jobs because everyone else is changing jobs after a year. chenle told the listener that they don't need to follow others and that they don't have to rush changing jobs, they should just go in their own pace and take time to actually look for a job that they will enjoy. he advised the listener not to do something just because everyone else is doing it, but rather do things in their own tempo.
- chenle said that it's important to rest and you can't spend all your time working. he said that it's good to take some time to breathe, go for a walk or eat something good.
- if chenle ever meets someone who tries to backstab him or do petty things behind his back, he will just take it as a learning experience. he will just make himself impenetrable / invulnerable and make sure that there's nothing for them to pick on and they have nothing that can be used against chenle. chenle believes the reason why it's better to be like this is because not everyone in this world is kind, there will always be people who want to backstab you.
- chenle's solution to insomnia or sleep deprivation is to just stay up and not sleep at all. he told the listener to stay up until 9am because then they will definitely be able to sleep.
- chenle wanted to tell a listener to try solving their sleeping problem by drinking because drinking can make it easier to sleep but guozhen reminded chenle that the listener is a minor and chenle said now he felt like a bad ahjussi (uncle)
- a listener has to attend university but she's afraid of leaving her parents behind. chenle said that this can't be helped because the listener already chose her own path, which is university, and therefore she can't accompany her parents while also being in university. but chenle reassured the listener by saying that he's sure her parents would want het to succeed in university and would also be proud of her if she does well and becomes independent.
- chenle said that after our parents took care and raised us our whole lives, we can't let them down. one way not to let them down is by completing life, going to school and studying well.
- chenle video calls his parents almost every day. that way, it never feels like they're growing old but when he starts comparing old photos, he can see the differences and changes. but his parents really like to act young, especially his dad.
- chenle said he looks more like his mom because his dad's eyes are too small.
- chenle said he likes dissing and teasing his dad.
- daily program & topic : music wave
- chenle's voice isn't that good today because he just recorded a song and recorded for radio. he said to leave it up to our own interpretations about what he recorded.
- chenle asked for a hair tie to tie his hair and he ended up tying his hair for the rest of the broadcast !!!
- chenle did the iconic "shinee's back!" catchphrase and he said he found it really cool in 'sherlock'
- chenle said his hairline is really high and that his forehead is so big it's the size of a palm
- when chenle started experimenting with hairstyles he thought of his stylist. he imagined his stylist would go, "I STRAIGHTENED YOUR HAIR JUST FOR YOU TO DO THIS?!"
- a listener said chenle gives them motivation every day. chenle said he will continue working to give the fans motivation. he then told the listener to revise and do exams properly as long as they don't have any regrets.
- chenle's song rec: candle light - nct dream
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (jeonju)
- the pictures on chenle's phone are mostly photos of daegal and of games. he doesn't have that many selcas because he doesn't really take them. he also has a lot of photos of his cooking and also scenery pictures.
- if we run out of storage, chenle advises to delete his pictures / idols pictures instead of our own pictures because we can get his photos from the internet meanwhile our own photos are our memories.
- chenle wore traditional chinese wear when he was little and wore it to film an advertisement (oyf hot spring world with renjun). he still has the one he wore for the advertisement in his house.
- chenle's hotel standards or criteria is that the room has to be big because big rooms are comfortable. it has to be clean, unique, and has a nice view from the window.
- chenle said he will go explore during holidays only if he wants to, and he doesn't make any plans. he'll go to the hotel room and lie down first, and then when he thinks of something to do or somewhere to visit, only then will he do it.
- chenle didn't announce the topic for next wednesday
THURSDAY, 210225
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (now you see me)
- chenle played his first solo feature, 'too good' on chenra today!
- the magic trick chenle is most impressed with is the one kun did on their live
- chenle advised us that if we want to fall asleep, don't use our phones because if we do, we won't be able to sleep.
- chenle said if we receive a birthday present that we rarely use, we still need to happily accept them and be grateful for them because the important thing is the giver's kindness. we can just tell them to gift us money instead of presents next time. a listener asked if there are any memorable gifts that chenle received but he couldn't remember any so he said he'll post on weibo if he remembers.
- chenle was going to sleep early at 2am and not look at his phone and just lie down and close his eyes but it didn't work and he fell asleep in 5 hours.
- chenle yawned when zhuama was telling him about a magic trick she recently learned
- chenle has watched both movies in the 'now you see me' series. he said the protagonists in the movies are like kaito kid in the 'conan' series. chenle likes kaito kid because he finds him elegant and cool.
- chenle's song rec: falling - harry styles
FRIDAY, 210226
- daily program & topic : idol diary (my idol's idol)
- a listener said the boyz' kevin is willing to shave his friends' eyebrows just to see beyonce. chenle said he would do the same and is willing to shave mark's eyebrows or anyone's eyebrows to see stephen curry. but if it were his eyebrows that he has to shave, he would have to reconsider.
- chenle said he can try to do the 'single ladies' dance but he doesn't know the song 'single ladies'. longjun recommended chenle to do the dance challenge with mark and renjun beside him and chenle said it will be too beautiful to watch and their number of fans will immediately become zero.
- chenle really likes the song 'dolphin' by oh my girl but he doesn't know how to sing it, he just thinks it's an addictive song
- chenle said he wouldn't cry if he met stephen curry but he wouldn't be able to sleep for 2 nights
- longjun mentioned how fans would cry at concerts especially during sentimental songs, but chenle said he can't relate. he said he'll see if he cries when he watches stephen curry's final match and curry wins and gets mvp.
- chenle was shocked that longjun knows the abbreviation "asap" / "as soon as possible" and he was actually ready to explain to longjun if longjun didn't know
- a listener mentioned how renjun always says his idol is himself and said that we don't always necessarily have to have an idol and chenle agrees. he said he can learn from renjun's narcissism because it's a good thing.
- chenle said nct dream's comeback is coming in a few months!
- chenle said renjun became an idol because he was inspired by exo so chenle said he wonders if someday people will also be inspired to become idols because of nct
SATURDAY, 210227
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle's favorite season will always be winter but as he grows older he starts to not be able to handle cold that well. he used to hate sweating and feeling hot but he's now more okay with the heat so he likes summer a little bit more now.
- a few weeks ago, chenle couldn't sleep the whole night so when morning came he went for a walk. since he likes the sound of waterfalls, he sat by the han river and closed his eyes and listened to the wind, water, and birds. he found it very healing. he then went home and had breakfast and slept for half an hour and then went to work.
- chenle said the pigtails from 210123 was a playful look
- chenle spends his night lying down while using his phone, listening to music, watching movies, playing games, and staring blankly. he does everything lying down.
- chenle doesn't like reading new books but he likes the feeling and the smell of them
- chenle is the type to quickly finish all his homework for the holidays on the first day / the start of the holiday so he can play as much as he wants for the rest of the holiday. it's because chenle can't play peacefully / happily when he knows that he still has unfinished homework.
- chenle likes 'candle light' and he listens to it often
- chenle said he's good at tongue twisters! here is him saying a few tongue twisters.
- chenle's song rec: 10,0000 hours (piano version) - day + shay and justin bieber
SUNDAY, 210228
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the latest quarrel / fight i had
- whenever chenle is having a conversation with renjun, people would tell them "don't fight!" and kun believes it's because of the tone of their voices
- chenle argues every moment. if chenle is together with dream, when they talk, it seems like they're fighting, especially when he's with renjun, people would go, "ya ya ya don't fight!" but they're not fighting, they're just talking casually
- chenle did a recording today so it's a little bit hard for him to talk
- chenle mentioned how some members' contact names are saved on his phone: dream maknae (taeil), ah-kun / 아쿤 (kun), [the number 10 in korean] hyung (ten), someone i contacted through mark lee (jungwoo), king head 3 / wangmeori 3 (mark), jenojaem (jeno), yangyangchan (haechan), jaem (jaemin), show me the taro milk tea (shotaro), king head 2 / wangmeori 2 (jisung)
- chenle believes that by reconciling, friendships and relationships become stronger because when you reconcile after a fight, genuine words will come from each other's minds and you will talk it out. chenle doesn't support the fight but he supports the reconciliation after a fight.
- chenle's mom always finishes all the dishes and put them on the table. when she comes home after cooking, chenle and his father would have already finished all the food. chenle's mom would always say, "let's leave some for me too..."
- chenle's song rec: you are my world - yoon mirae


march 1, 2021 - march 7, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210301
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle believes that the most important thing when we want to lose weight is determination. if we're determined, we'll be able to succeed.
- there's nothing chenle is into lately. he's just always been into basketball, stephen curry, nct dream, nct 127, wayv, and smtown. he's also into watching dramas lately, and he wants to travel but due to the current condition he decided to just give the idea up.
- chenle sarcastically said that he's so excited about going to work and is really happy about working
- chenle said that even though he is young, he feels like he's living the life of an old person because all he does is drink tea and lie down every day
- when chenle grows old, he will probably spend his days scrolling through weibo and his circle of friends' wechat statuses. he would ask mark to play mahjong and invite their families for a family gathering where mark would bring his granddaughter and chenle would bring his grandson.
- chenle believes that when it comes to fashion, there is no wrong or right and the most important thing is to make sure that you feel comfortable first. chenle also said that style is developed gradually so we can be influenced by other people's styles and learn from other people's fashion. from there, we'll slowly have our own style and character.
- chenle understands the urge to stay up all night for something like akdong seoul livestream because he also does the same for basketball matches. he prefers to watch the game live than watch the replay. he enjoys the nervousness when watching a livestream because you don't know what will happen next.
- chenle believes that if we want to reject someone we're not interested in, it's better to be blunt and straightforward about it than be subtle. because if we're subtle or we make excuses, it might hurt their feelings. chenle got confused as to why the listener asked about something like this to him.
- chenle was shocked when a fan called him "chenle" because the letters usually call him "le-d"
- if chenle scored well on his exams, he would never shut up about it and would brag about it to everyone to let everyone know that he scored a perfect score.
- daily program & topic : special viewable radio with renjun
- renjun said the reason why he has only appeared on akdong seoul as a guest now is because there had been difficulties organizing the times and schedules
- chenle teased that nct dream will have a comeback soon
- renjun said it feels very fascinating to go back to akdong seoul because the last time he was here, he was still a dj and now he's here as a guest. he feels more relaxed being a guest and he feels happy.
- renjun said chenle sings one direction's 'perfect' every day but he still doesn't know the lyrics
- chenle feels awkward interviewing renjun because he already knows renjun so well and he has to ask questions to renjun that he already knows all the answers to
- whenever renjun and chenle or nct dream are traveling together somewhere, 'perfect' by one direction is a must-play song in the car, and they will always sing along loudly to it. jinyong asked whether or not people from other cars can hear them but chenle said they don't know, the most important thing is that they're hyped about the song.
- renjun wants to organize and plan his time better and clearer and make sure that he eats breakfast
- chenle and renjun talked for too long so the song can only play for 30 seconds
- chenle admits that when renjun was dj, chenle was too busy so he didn't have time to listen to renjun's radio, but renjun said that chenle was too busy playing games. renjun then continued by saying that whenever their members have solo schedules or non-group schedules like this, they don't usually watch or listen to them. chenle said that it's awkward seeing someone you're so close to when they're working.
- when chenle first came to korea, he really wanted to go back to china. but as time went by and he continued living in korea, he adapted, started finding it nice and started liking living there.
- chenle said everyone has had failures so we shouldn't lose our self confidence just because of small failures
- guozhen was watching the livestream and renjun said it's been so long since he last met guozhen
- a listener said their chinese has improved because of renra and chenra and chenle said "you're welcome!" while renjun said "continue to jiayou!" renjun said that a lot of people are learning chinese through akdong seoul so chenle said he hopes they can listen more and learn chinese more and their friends can do the same, and renjun added that their friends' friends can do the same too.
- chenle asked renjun what he thinks of the new akdong seoul dj. renjun said the new dj is very good and is a very happy and positive person, and he can bring happiness to a lot of people. renjun was listening outside just now and he thinks chenle is a very appropriate dj, as expected of him. chenle then said he really likes this kind of guest so they should invite him more often.
- chenle and renjun said that what they do is give people their age, and people older and younger than them, strength and comfort. so seeing other people gain strength and comfort from them makes them feel happy, touched, but also responsible, and it makes them want to work harder to continue giving them strength.
- chenle's song rec: puzzle piece - nct dream
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (xiamen)
- chenle reassured a listener who is afraid of ghosts in their school dorm and told them that there are no ghosts there. but he then said, "if there are ghosts... i'm scared too! if i'm alone, i'm also scared!"
- chenle said one of his first ever trips was either to hainan, beijing, or hong kong. he doesn't really remember but he remembers he likes hainan the best.
- chenle really likes hainan chicken rice. he just ate hainan chicken rice earlier today, he bought it and ate it in the car. it has been so long since the last time he ate it that he doesn't even really remember the taste.
- chenle's first memory of the city xiamen is the yellow rice, and there's a famous place for it in the city that his mom wanted to go to but couldn't.
- chenle said he bought a new camera, particularly one that can take pictures of stars, because his phone can't capture the stars that well
- chenle said he wants to try living in a university dorm once, he just really likes university dorms and its atmosphere
- chenle really likes seafood. he said he went to sanya, but he said that if you go to sanya, you can't just eat seafood at restaurants because they make it expensive. it's better to go to the market and buy the seafood yourself, ask the seller to clean it up, and make the seafood themselves. it's a lot cheaper and delicious. chenle did that with his parents once.
- chenle likes shrimp. if the shrimp is fresh, the texture is soft and good.
- chenle likes talking pictures of landscapes and scenery, but he hates taking pictures of himself. he likes taking pictures of anything but himself. he doesn't really take selfies except for the ones that he has to post. chenle admits that he really doesn't take selfies at all so when fans ask for selfies, he doesn't know what to give because he doesn't take them.
- chenle's song rec: fly love - jamie foxx
THURSDAY, 210304
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (kung fu panda)
- if chenle were to talk about designing his own house, he can talk about it for half an hour. he jokingly said that zhuama doesn't even have to come because he can just talk about houses.
- chenle wants a house that is detached because he listens to music and watches tv with a loud volume because he can enjoy the sounds better. he also wants to have a room designed just for drinking tea and next to it, there has to be the sound of running or flowing water, like a small water fountain, because listening to the sound of water calms chenle down and it's comforting to listen to that while drinking tea. he also wants a movie theater in the basement. he also wants a basketball court in the yard. for now, that's all he wants and for everything else, he doesn't really mind as long as the bed is comfortable and he can sleep on it, then it's fine.
- when chenle is in a bad mood, he doesn't do anything to try to adjust, it just adjusts by itself.
- chenle jokingly said that he thought zhuama wouldn't be here by now and zhuama jokingly replied that she thought so too.
- chenle recommended an animation movie to zhuama. the movie he recommended is the only movie he had ever watched that was the closest to making him cry.
- chenle likes the character grand master oogway from the movie 'kung fu panda' because his words are wise. from the entire series, chenle likes the first 'kung fu panda' movie the most but all 3 are nice.
- chenle threw around random english words when talking about the movie, such as "dragon scroll", "wuxi finger hold", "BLANK?!"
- zhuama asked chenle if he knows why po's dad is a goose and chenle replied saying, "is it because you don't know?" when zhuama was actually trying to test him. chenle then said that he knows, and explained the reason.
- chenle said that in the movie, it's shown that hard work & encouragement given by others helped po make it and succeed, and that at the end, the only way to become the dragon warrior is to believe in one's self.
- chenle mentioned an iconic line from the movie, "yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. that’s why its called “the present”. he said he was so impressed by this quote because "present" can mean current day but it can also mean "gift"
- chenle also likes the quote "there are no accidents" because he believes everything happens for a reason
- chenle also likes the quote "to make something special, you just have to believe it's special."
- a listener said that they felt sick and took medicine but it didn't make them feel better, but then they watched chenle's fancam and immediately felt better. chenle said he also felt a little unwell a few days ago and took some medicine and felt better afterwards. he believes that the listener felt better because of taking the medicine, not because of the fancam. he told the listener not to watch chenle's fancams when they're sick because it might make their head hurt.
FRIDAY, 210305
- daily program & topic : idol diary (my idol's spring song)
- whenever chenle feels tired or feels like giving up on doing something, he always reminds himself about why he started doing that thing in the first place. he also reminds himself of how hard his parents has worked to raise him and that he doesn't want to let them down.
- chenle's mom likes to look at flowers. chenle doesn't really like doing it but this year he's been getting the sudden urge to look at flowers.
- chenle likes stargazing and being in places with water like the river and the sea because he likes the sound of water.
- chenle sat around the han river the other day for about an hour. he sat by the river to listen to the sound of the water. after that, he went home and made himself a pot of tea while listening to some delicate-sounding music. he said it made him feel very comfortable.
- one time, chenle had schedule at 10 am but he couldn't sleep so at 7:30 am he went to the han river to look at the sun. he still felt peaceful up until 1 pm but after that, the lack of sleep got to him and he started not being able to focus / think straight.
- longjun said because he is dating, every season feels like spring. chenle said everyone wants to feel as if all seasons feel like spring.
- chenle used to only focus on listening to the melodies when listening to songs, but nowadays he likes looking at the lyrics too and he really enjoys listening to songs with sad lyrics, he doesn't know why.
- chenle likes watching sweet and fluffy shows. he watches romance dramas and also dating shows / programs and he would be smiling the whole time when watching them.
- back in middle school, when the boys had free time, they would go play basketball, but the girls would gossip about things like boys and idols. at first chenle didn't understand the fun in doing it but once he joined in the conversation, he also found it quite interesting.
- to chenle, every jay chou song is a classic and is really nice. he has been practicing 蒲公英的约定 on the piano recently because when he heard it, he found it really nice.
- today is the last day of idol diary with longjun. next week, there will be a new program with a new guest on friday because akdong seoul will be undergoing a change of programs for the spring season.
- when longjun said they will meet again in the future, chenle jokingly said they can meet in other radio stations, it doesn't have to be at akdong seoul.
SATURDAY, 210306
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle teased chuyuan into admitting that he used to dedicate songs to his girlfriend
- chenle likes recommending songs to his friends, and when his friends end up liking the song too, it makes him feel happy.
- chenle really likes yesung's 'paper umbrella' and mentioned how jungwoo was in the mv for the song.
- chenle doesn't have a song he likes listening to whenever it rains because he doesn't have any special feelings tied to rainy days. chenle likes clear days and snowy days.
- when chenle was in school, when it rained, the physical education class would get cancelled and they would end up revising schoolwork instead and chenle didn't like it.
- chenle has been watching a variety show where singers perform on the streets. chenle said they're really good singers and the songs are really good so it's comforting and healing to him.
- chenle said that if there's a chance for him to perform on the streets (busking), he would definitely want to try it.
- chuyuan and chenle has played pubg together and the mvp of the game was chenle
- a listener shared a story about their friendship and chenle hopes that friendships between friends will last long because friendships are a lifelong thing.
- the friend chenle has known for the longest time is a friend he's known ever since he was 6 years old. he still stays in contact with this friend and whenever he goes back to china, they would meet up.
- chenle's dad likes andrea bocelli and sarah brightman's 'time to say goodbye' and when chenle was little, chenle's dad would play the song and chenle would sing along by his dad's side.
- when chenle was little, during spring, the flowers would bloom and he would go to the park with his parents to see the flowers and sit on the tandem bikes. back then, he didn't really know how to appreciate nature so he would just run around and play, but now he can appreciate it more.
- chenle said that the environment you're in or the one you grew up in plays a part in the kind of music you like
- a listener heard 萨吉's on my way in a movie and immediately thought that this is the kind of song chenle would like. chenle jokingly said he would purposely not like the song.
- chuyuan will still be saturday's guest
- chenle's song rec : cornfield chase - hans zimmer

SUNDAY, 210307
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (the latest quarrel / fight i had)
- chenle reminded us that it's okay to joke with people but it's never okay to hurt them. he likes joking around with people but he tries not to hurt them when joking, and if he accidentally does, he would apologize sincerely and feel very guilty.
- chenle said it's never okay to joke about someone's weaknesses because if they were to joke about our own weaknesses, we wouldn't like it either.
- chenle is really good at intentionally ignoring someone or acting unfriendly to someone when he's mad at them because he doesn't like fights. whenever he fights, it's usually in a joking way, like between him and haechan. he doesn't like real fights. and when chenle gives someone the cold shoulder, he would reflect on his actions. if he was wrong, he would apologize but if he wasn't, he'll just let it pass.
- chenle bickers with renjun a lot but they never actually fight because neither of them likes fighting. so whenever there's something going on, they just use their words. if they have something they're sorry about to each other, they'll talk about it right away or let themselves calm down and it would naturally become okay.
- when a listener told a story about how she just had a fight with her boyfriend, chenle said the listener just wanted to show off her love life and left.
- chenle said he doesn't like getting worked up over things because he's lazy so he always takes a step back
- chenle likes giving mark gifts but he doesn't expect anything in return. mark rarely gives him gifts. he said mark has given him a lot of his time, and you can't buy time with money.
- chenle said it's always important to communicate things between friends when in a team work especially if it's something important to us.
- chenle is usually quite straightforward but sometimes he chooses not to say things because he's lazy
- chenle's song rec : bridge over troubled water - simon and garfunkel

march 8, 2021 - march 14, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210308
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle said when two people are interacting, both parties have to communicate and it can't be just one person giving in. it also depends on the situation.
- chenle believes that it's impossible to only have success in life, and that you have to have failures too. he added that having success is good, success is pretty boring. we shouldn't be afraid to fail and have to always challenge ourselves. he said that if we fail, we can just keep going.
- the reason why chenle doesn't live in the dorms with the other members is not because he's not close with them or doesn't want to live with them, but because he has a different routine and lifestyle. for example, if he needs to sleep and the others are talking, he'll also end up staying up and chatting with them and he won't sleep. he said there should be mutual agreements when living in a dorm.
- chenle said stress is something we can't avoid just by changing our jobs because stress comes in different ways and is something we have in every phase. see the full quote here
- chenle said confident people are the most beautiful
- sometimes chenle isn't confident in his looks. sometimes he would look in the mirror and think, "i'm so handsome", but sometimes he would look in the mirror and think, "why do i look like that?"
- chenle believes that the most important thing about a person isn't the looks. looks can only give you the first impression, but first impressions aren't everything. a person isn't good just because they're good looking, but also because of their heart. if you're kind and your character is good, people would want to be friends with you not because you're good looking. chenle said that even though being pretty is useful, it's not the most useful because the most important thing about a person is their inside / their heart. see the full quote here
- chenle has a lot of people by his side when he's bored, or sad, or etc. chenle said that no matter how old someone is, people will always need someone else's company because we are social animals. chenle can't stand being alone because he feels lonely easily.
- chenle couldn't go home for chuseok last year but he had the members and his friends by his side and it made him feel better.
- chenle's song rec : wind blows (바람이 분다) - lee sora
TUESDAY, 210309
- daily program & topic : kpop music
- chenle said life can't always be smooth and there will always be difficulties that we have to face, but after we've endured them, as we grow older and look back (at even the rough times), they will have become beautiful memories
- a listener told chenle to continue being a dj at akdong seoul for a long time until the listener gets better at chinese, so chenle said once the listener's chinese gets better he will stop being dj
- the new program is about discussing new kpop songs and talking about the stories behind the songs and the new guest is zhang songyuan. he is a manager of korean idol(s) and likes exo and bts and has started liking blackpink especially jisoo.
- when songyuan said he's nervous because this is his first broadcast, chenle reassured him by saying that he doesn't need to worry and that if he wants to go home right now, he can go home
- chenle has a deep impression of park jihoon because they both competed at the isac pubg tournament once and chenle found that park jihoon is really great at pubg
- chenle said his dj-ing style is "no style", he doesn't have a style and he just says whatever comes to his mind. he wants to just be able to chat with the guests as if there's no program.
- chenle's manager texted chenle asking when the broadcast is ending and told chenle to hurry up so that he can pick chenle up and then meet his girlfriend. caoli jiejie also texted chenle saying that longjun told her to hurry up and go home for dinner.
- chenle's song rec #1 : 平凡的一天 - 毛不易
- chenle's song rec #2 : something about that feeling - devin kennedy
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (rome)
- in korean, chenle tends to say “nooo” or “don't be annoying” to the members but in chinese, he tends to say "okayy" or "not bad"
- chenle isn't the type of person who opens up easily and there are moments when he just pretends that everything is okay. but at night, if someone invites him for a drink, then he might open up and share what's in his mind and heart.
- lanlan joked that the reason why the wednesday program isn't changed is because pd jiejie likes lanlan so chenle joked saying "okay then the dj can be changed but the guest can't" so lanlan said "nooo
our le-d can't be changed"
- chenle said lanlan probably travelled to rome with her husband and lanlan just laughed
- chenle likes the song "the prayer" by andrea bocelli and celine dion a lot and it's one that his dad likes a lot too. he knew the song from his dad.
- chenle said he likes romance and he likes romance movies and songs
- chenle doesn't really like coffee and he doesn't crave it much. he likes drinking tea more and the atmosphere when drinking tea is good so it makes it even better.
- lanlan told a story about how she kept fighting with her husband during their trip to rome. chenle said when it comes to love, the more fighting the better.
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (zootopia)
- chenle is good as shuffling cards
- this is the first ever viewable radio with zhuama
- a listener said they get excluded / ignored a lot but chenle advised that maybe they just haven't noticed the listener and didn't mean to exclude them. chenle advised them that even though it's hard, the listener should take the initiative to join the others.
- zhuama did a magic trick. click here to see it!
- zhuama said earlier today kun performed a magic trick (because he was prerecording chenra) and she found it so impressive that she almost didn't want to do a magic trick anymore
- chenle said the song 'try everything' by shakira from the movie 'zootopia' is really good. zhuama told him to dance to it but chenle only wanted to do it if zhuama danced too, but zhuama said she didn't know how to.
- chenle jokingly said "i'm very happy to do viewable radio with zhuama for the last time today"
- chenle and zhuama recited lines from zootopia. click here to watch it!
- chenle's song rec : love poem - iu
FRIDAY, 210312
- daily program & topic : random radio (timeless songs / 80s-90s songs)
- chenle used to prefer piano pieces that were more complex and complicated because he believed that how good your skills are showed how good you are at playing it. but now he realizes that the simpler it is, the better because not everything is about the skills and techniques. simpler pieces feels more genuine and there's more feeling to it when playing each note.
- the guest today is "jinyong" but caoli jiejie accidentally wrote "longjun" instead and chenle teased her by saying that she can never forget longjun (because longjun is caoli jiejie's boyfriend).
- chenle sang la vie en rose by louis armstrong
- chenle wants to talk about english songs more because he knows more english songs
- chenle's song rec #1 : la vie en rose - louis armstrong
- chenle's song rec #2 : could i love you any more - renee dominique ft. jason mraz
SATURDAY, 210313
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle is happy that pd jiejie didn't change the saturday program even after the change
- back in school, chenle found it harder to memorize poems and ancient scripts compared to phrases. he would memorize it before bed and read it over 10 times until he remembers it partially or until he can read it without having to look at the paper. once he reaches the point where he only forgets a little, he would go to sleep, and then he'd be able to fully memorize it in the morning.
- chenle's favorite ost is the goblin ost, 'i miss you' by soyou. he said that compared to the love story of the main characters (goblin and euntak), he prefers the love story of the second leads (sunny and grim reaper).
- chenle wanted to look at the moon and stargaze a few weeks back but the moon was too bright that day so he couldn't see the stars. chenle really likes stargazing and during the daytime he likes to go to the han river and listen to the sounds of water. chenle knows how to spot several major constellations like the big dipper, orion, andromeda, etc.
- chenle doesn't like listening to music when stargazing or listening to the sounds of water. he prefers to listen to the sounds of nature. but when he's in a car, then he'll listen to songs and feel the music.
- chenle said 'you raise me up' by westlife is really really nice
- chenle sang 'you raise me up' and tried to harmonize it with chuyuan
- a listener is worried about their future. chenle said if you only study and work hard now, a lot of opportunities will come to you. if you focus in developing on your skills now, there will be so many things you can do in the future because if you have skills, the opportunities will come and find you. chenle told them not to worry because they are still young so they should enjoy their life.
- chenle's song rec : beautiful - crush
SUNDAY, 210314
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (my first time on an airplane)
- chenle announced that today (march 14) is stephen curry's birthday. he wished that curry is happy every day and can continue reaching his dreams in basketball and become an mvp this year. he said he'll forever support curry.
- chenle believes that in an airplane, children prefer to sit at window seats meanwhile adults prefer to sit at aisle seats. he said he has passed the age where he liked sitting at window seats and he now prefers aisle seats. he prefers it because you can get to the toilet easier and get off the plane faster.
- chenle watched wayv's 'kick back' mv on wednesday night
- kun shared the story of how back in 2018, they filmed the 'boss' mv in ukraine so they had to take a plane and it was jungwoo's first time on a plane. everyone pranked him by saying that you have to take off your shoes when getting on a plane. chenle said that taeyong was like that too.
- chenle questioned why there are so many wayv songs being played today and kun said it's because they just released an album
- when they had to film on a bridge for nct world, kun was really scared, but chenle kept swaying and jumping and it scared kun even more. chenle admitted that he kept shaking the bridge on purpose because he kept hearing kun's miserable screams and they made him feel very happy. chenle was so happy and excited back then and the happier he was, the more he jumped around.
- kun saidone time he took a flight by himself and he fell asleep and accidentally leaned on the stranger next to him. chenle said, "if you drool on that person, i'll pretend i don't know you"
- chenle's song rec : falling slowly - glen hansard & marketa irglova

march 15, 2021 - march 21, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210315
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle likes taking pictures of beautiful scenery but he doesn't like taking selfies because he thinks it's a waste of phone space
- chenle's photo-taking tip is that when you're taking a photo of someone, your phone has to be held upside down. and when you're taking a picture of a scenery, your phone has to be parallel with the horizon and it can't be slanted.
- chenle said tea is the same as coffee so if you drink tea, you won't be able to sleep either. he said it's better to drink milk or water if you want to sleep. he added that drinking water is better than drinking anything else because water is good for our health.
- chenle only takes selfies when the manager asks him to. if he manager asks for two selfies, then he will take exactly 2 selfies. he doesn't care about how the pictures turn out. he said we should be confident about our faces.
- chenle used to always feel sleepy and want to sleep on his way to radio, but recently he found a restaurant that sells hainanese chicken rice near the radio studio. now he always buys hainanese chicken rice before coming to the studio so now he's always happy and not sleepy when coming to do radio.
- chenle's hearing as worsened a lot due to his usage of earphones. now when he wears earphones, his volume has to be on maximum volume.
- chenle's screen time for today is 7 hours 30 minutes so far
- chenle's laugh was heard at the beginning of the second half of the show after the advertisements. chenle explained that he was watching a basketball video during the ad.
- chenle said eye care is important because your eyes help you see and observe the world around you
- chenle sarcastically said that when he gets home, he's going to throw away his phone and buy an old school phone that can only text and call. he won't check weibo and wechat anymore and he won't play games on his phone anymore.
- guozhen advised chenle to put a lock / time limit on his app usage but chenle said he doesn't want to lock it. he keeps wanting to scroll more and watch more.
- chenle said we can't be great at everything and that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses so there's no need to compare ourselves to other people because there might be something else / some other field or area that we're better at than them.
- a listener said they're not good at expressing themselves. chenle encouraged them by saying that even though it will be awkward at first, they should just try doing it because if they don't, they might regret it, so they should just get the courage to do it.
- a listener is currently in training and says the training is very hard. chenle reminded them that this is something that they chose, so they must finish it even while crying. chenle said if it's hard, they have to just bear with it a little bit more because once it's all over, it will become a beautiful memory when you look back later on.
- a listener tells a story about their hairfall problem and chenle said that technology is more advanced now so if your hair falls, just transplant some hair
- chenle never says 'i love you' to anyone, not even to his parents. he just can never express something like this. but he's really good at saying 'thank you'.
- a listener said that when taking a picture, the moment itself is the most important. it's not about whether or not the picture came out nicely. if you're able to keep a picture of that happiest moment, you'll feel happy every time you see that picture again. chenle had some kind of moment of realization and agreed with what the listener said. he said he found it really nice and that we learn something new every day.
TUESDAY, 210316
- daily program & topic : k-pop music
- chenle really likes kids and he's really happy about being an uncle
- chenle has great fast-typing skills
- chenle thinks blackpink music videos are always really stunning and good
- chenle believes that if you do something with sincerity, you will succeed. although you might fail at first, but in the end, the results will not bertray the efforts. so if you fail a little bit, don't give up and keep working hard until the end. full quote here
- chenle likes pentagon and their songs, including 'do or not'. he said pentagon and nct would always bump into each other at music shows.
- chenle's song rec #1 : 袖手旁观 - 张宇
- chenle's song rec #2 : my enemy - the amazing spider-man 2
- daily program & topic : random radio (wayv special with kun, ten, xiaojun, hendery, yangyang)
- chenle's hair is bleached blonde now
- chenle told us listeners to pretend to not know that wayv is coming
- since yangyang and xiaojun have became guest djs on akdong seoul before, he asked them about what they think. xiaojun said it's better with chenle in the studio (because when he was guest previously, the main dj was kun). chenle said of course it's better with him here.
- chenle did the kick back challenge
- yangyang told a story about his first impression of chenle during 'my first and last' era. he described the way chenle walked. watch the video here!
- chenle told the story about how just like wayv, nct dream also has 7 members. but sometimes they have to promote with only 5 members, and when they do, he misses haechan and mark a lot.
- chenle doesn't call hendery, xiaojun, and yangyang with 'gege' because he sees them as cute little brothers. they don't seem like geges to him meanwhile ten and kun do.
- ten kept saying 'la-d' instead of 'le-d' so chenle jokingly said this will be the last time ten will appear on akdong seoul
- this is ten's first time seeing chenle do radio and he thinks chenle is cool when doing it. because this whole time, whenever chenle goes to the practice room he's always loud and he would greet him like "HIIII TEN-HYUNG!!!". after complimenting chenle, chenle told ten that he should visit akdong seoul again next time.
- kun told a story about how he once heard someone sing nct songs in public. chenle told him he should've came up to them and go, "I'LL PERFORM FOR YOU".
THURSDAY, 210318
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (3 idiots)
- today's radio is not live
- chenle has watched '3 idiots' at least two or three times. he didn't cry watching the movie because it feels like a feel-good movie that makes you happy when you watch it
- chenle said there are a lot of great indian / bollywood movies
- chenle likes the movie 'dangal'. it's the kind of movie that encourages a lot of people.
- chenle talks about how in the movie, the education system is a mess. people study just to take and pass exams instead of to actually learn something. everyone studies just to go to a good school, but not to learn more or gain knowledge. chenle said there's a difference.
- chenle said if we study just to take a test, we'll get more annoyed and we'll start thinking "why am i even doing this..." so we have to find the right way to study, the way we actually like.
- chenle said when singing, you can't just sing it as it is. you have to understand the meaning of the song and sing it with your heart. because humans are not machines, and when you're singing a song, you're telling the meaning of it too.
- chenle's song rec : ground rules - the amazing spider-man 2
FRIDAY, 210319
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (geojedo)
- today's radio is live
- chenle used to play table tennis when he was in elementary school. he was so good that he was almost like an ace back then. but nowadays he's not good at it.
- chenle plays basketball with mark a lot. recently chenle, jeno, haechan, and mark sometimes play table tennis.
- chenle jokingly blamed wayv for making friday's random radio switch schedules with listening to the world on wednesday
- when chenle was young, he had to memorize his speech for leader election. he had a script to memorize so he memorized it carefully and made a lot of efforts. when he was giving the speech, he felt very nervous. he was more nervous for that speech than he is for stages. he was shaking nervously throughout giving his speech but luckily he always got chosen and he never made any big mistakes.
- chenle said if the food you made turns out to be delicious, you'll feel like the happiest person in the world and feel like a genius. this is why chenle always cooks his own food.
- chenle's ideal future holiday is driving across a highway on a mountain or a hill as he overlooks to the sea and the beach. he'll roll down his car window and watch the sunset as he listens to music and feel the breeze. he doesn't care what country it is.
- chenle also dreams of renting a yacht and going out to the sea
- chenle's heart felt warm when he saw lanlan and her husband talking with his manager because he thinks lanlan and her husband are perfect for each other
- chenle said he hasn't watched that many shows so just because he doesn't know what show lanlan was referring to, that doesn't mean that there's a generation gap
- when chenle performed at ilsan, there was a delicious hotdog place that dreamies would always ask the manager to order from. chenle believes the hotdog must have had sugar and cheese added to it.
- chenle really likes windmills and he thinks they're very pretty. he went to europe when he was little and saw windmills there and the found them very pretty.
- chenle wants to eat seafood right now so later he'll call haechan to come over to his house and eat sashimi with him
- chenle doesn't like oysters but he'll pretend to like it so that lanlan can talk about the oyster place she wanted to talk about
- one time when chenle was in jeju for a holiday, he woke up at 4am, sat on a chair at his hotel, drank coke and pretended it was red wine, and played with his phone while waiting for the sunrise.
- chenle has only ever been to the paris airport
- chenle's song rec : we're best friends - the amazing spider-man 2
SATURDAY, 210320
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle doesn't really care about the softness of his bed. as long as he can lie down on it, he's fine with it.
- chenle thinks the movie 'flipped' is really good. it has an educational life lesson and watching it warms his heart.
- chenle prefers being with people or having people around him than being alone. he said they don't really need to talk or make a noise, it's fine to just be together and not say anything.
- chenle really likes listening to background music (bgm) songs these days. the bgm he listens to the most these days is from "the green book". he likes the jazz music, classical music, and instrumental. he said he enjoys it especially when listening to it in the car because this movie is shot on the road so the bgm is perfect to listen to when in the car too. he just listened to it when he went for a schedule 2 days ago.
- chenle also likes the bgm to "the amazing spider-man 2"
- chenle also really likes the song "it's been a long, long time" from the ending scene of avengers: endgame (where steve dances with peggy)
- chenle likes the song "la vie en rose" and he said he's been liking a lot of old songs recently
- chenle is the kind of friend who jokes around a lot in his group of friends. he really enjoys joking around, and he understands that the most important thing is that he doesn't offend anyone or they don't effend each other. the most important thing is that everyone is happy.
- chenle said we have to think about difficulties as happy difficulties
- chenle doesn't like summer for a lot of reasons. he always turns on the air conditioner during the summer because summer is so hot, and no matter how much he applies sunscreen, he will still get sunburn or tan skin. he said his only charming point is his fair skin. furthermore, there are a lot of bugs during the summer. especially when he's sleeping, he hates hearing the sound of bugs in his hear because he doesn't know where they are or where they're coming from so it's really annoying that he needs to catch them.
- chenle likes every season except summer
- chenle thinks the worst version of himself comes out when he has to deal with bugs
- chenle's song rec : it's been a long, long time - harry james
SUNDAY, 210321
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (first time on an airplane)
- chenle said the night view from an airplane is really beautiful
- whenever chenle flies to china, he always sleeps first. he does it for two reasons. the first one is so that he can recharge and be ready to enjoy the vacation without feeling tired. the second one is to reduce the time it takes to travel because if he sleeps, it will feel like the flight from seoul to shanghai only takes a moment.
- chenle also sleeps whenever he has long flights to chile, united states, etc. other than that, he usually watches movies or makes ramen on the plane. he said the ramen he makes on a plane is always delicious.
- chenle said if you're hungry on the plane, you can eat ramen or bibimbap, and that the gochujang and bread are also delicious. he added that we should put butter on the bread.
- ever since chenle was little, he has never liked carbonated drinks but he thinks cola with ice on the plane is ok.
- chenle once had a dream where he was about to fly on a big road but every time he tried to take off, he couldn't. even when he was able to take off, they always fell so they have to take off again.
- chenle had a similar experience as one listener on a plane where there was a turbulence and the plane was shaking so hard.
- chenle has a habit of always saying goodbye to his parents when he's about to ride an airplane or take off because these are the two most precious people to him. he always does this because it might just be the last time he says goodbye to them.
- chenle once flew to argentina but he had to transit at germany and the flight took 27 hours in total. first, on the flight on the way to germany, it was his first time on a double decker plane and he was on the second floor. he found it really cool so before the flight, he took a picture and shared it on wechat. one of his friends messaged him saying that they will be on the same plane later so they met up later at the airport. they first sat on their assigned seats but then they switched seats so that they can sit together throughout the flight. they played games and talked and the friend stopped at germany meanwhile chenle continued to argentina.
- the longest flight chenle has ever experienced was the flight to chile. it was 24 hours + 11 hours so it was a total of 35 hours. it felt like a vacation because all they did was watch movies all day and eat. there was a bar on the plane but he wasn't an adult back then. chenle said if he went there again today, he could have a drink there.
- chenle really likes going to beijing
- chenle really wants to travel to europe these days
- chenle has a lot of stories for next week's topic
- chenle's song rec : 하림, crush - 출국

march 22, 2021 - march 28, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210322
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle still has his dragon ball figurines. he has about 10 of them and he brought them from china when he moved to korea.
- chenle said they will be having a huya live soon so he needs to practice his gaming skills. he hopes they will give him a higher level account so he can play against real opponents and not against bots.
- chenle's stomach currently isn't good and he's been getting stomachaches lately. he believes it might be because he often only eats once a day.
- chenle said hard work and having the determination to work hard are also talents. sometimes people who are talented might not be determined enough so we don't have to compare our talents to other people.
- chenle used to watch a lot of healthy living programs with his mom when he was little but now he's forgotten all about it
- chenle said that sometimes people find it hard to empathize with other people because they don't know what the person's job is. he said we as people don't have to always know why someone is tired but we still need to understand and be considerate about the fact that every job has its own hardships.
- a sender made a mistake at work and chenle reassured them that it was just a small mistake and they won't get fired because of it. the company won't shut down or the world won't end because of it so the listener doesn't have to worry too much about it.
- chenle said we have to take care of our health because health is the most important thing and if we don't take care of it, we won't be able to do anything
TUESDAY, 210323
- daily program & topic : k-pop music
- chenle wished renjun a happy birthday
- chenle's favorite flower is rose
- chenle said when it comes to school, we always have to study subjects that we don't like. we have no choice but to study it so we should just do our best to finish it.
- back when chenle didn't know anything about kpop, he once heard of super junior's "sorry sorry"
- songyuan said there's a lot of groups with 7 members recently and chenle said his group has 7 members too
- chenle's song rec #1 : 慢慢喜欢你 - 莫文蔚
- chenle's song rec #2 : back in black - ac/dc
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (paris)
- chenle watched the movie "midnight in paris"
- chenle has only ever been to the paris airport but he sarcastically said the airport was romantic
- lanlan said people in paris don't always wear berets or look fashionable and most of them just wear black and beige. chenle said he would fit the paris fashion / atmosphere because he often wears black too.
- lanlan didn't go up the eiffel tower because the queue was around 2-3 hours long and she didn't want to wait. chenle said he would've waited because it's the eiffel tower.
- chenle made a paper version of the eiffel tower so he can see the eiffel tower at home too
- chenle talked about the bookstore "shakespeare and company" and said chenle will like it. chenle replied saying, "why? does it sell nct dream albums?". lanlan said it's because in the sequel to the movie 'before sunrise', which is 'before sunset', the main characters met in that bookstore. so chenle said he definitely needs to go there because "who knows... there may be a beautiful encounter there..."
- chenle doesn't like macarons because they're too sweet for him. lanlan said he can buy them for his members but chenle just said if they want macarons they can get it themselves.
THURSDAY, 210325
- daily program & topic : moonlight cinema (your name / kimi no na wa)
- today's broadcast is live
- the meaning behind chenle's name : 早晨 (zaochen) in chinese means morning, and 音乐 (yinyue) means music. chenle's parents took the last syllable in 早晨 which is chen (辰) and named their kids 辰音 (chenyin) and 辰乐 (chenyue) because they like music so much. so both of their names mixed means "morning music" / "morning sounds". 乐 (yue) can be pronounced as "le", and in kindergarten people started calling chenle "chenle" instead of "chenyue", so they decided to just change the name to chenle! with the change from "yue" to "le", his parents hopes that chenle will be happy every day because 快乐 (kuai le) means happiness.
- chenle once ordered something but accidentally gave the address of the hair salon near his house instead of the address of his house. the delivery man already pressed the bell but chenle didn't hear anything because the delivery man was pressing on the doorbell of the salon. good thing his house is close to the salon so he asked the delivery man to deliver it to his house. he apologized to the delivery man and said he won't make the same mistake again.
- chenle knows which sitting positions are bad for body postures but they're very comfortable so it's a bit hard to change the habit
- chenle really likes "kimi no na wa"
- jisung told chenle to watch "kimi no na wa" and chenle wanted to but he kept postponing it until another friend of his also told him to watch it. this friend wouldn't stop bugging him and kept telling him to watch it so he finally did. zhuama jokingly said "is this friend more important than jisung?"
- throughout the entire movie, chenle was fascinated by the idea of switching bodies
- zhuama kept calling chenle "yue yue" and chenle threatened saying he will make pd jiejie turn off zhuama's microphone. he also saw comments calling him "yueyue" and he said if we keep calling him that, he won't post on weibo for a year. he also said, "people are still calling me 'yueyue'. do you want me to stop sending bubbles?"
- zhuama said chenle will probably likes movies directed by makoto shinkai because his movies always have a hint of sadness in them
- if chenle gets to experience switching bodies with someone, he will do whatever it takes to be together with that person. but also said while romance is romance, it has to be realistic so he has to get to know the person first.
- chenle and zhuama got very excited talking about the film
- chenle said that even though death seems far away, we don't know when it might happen so we should always treasure the things we currently have and not have any regrets.
- chenle said 'kimi no na wa' is so sad but he still couldn't cry watching it
- daily program & topic : random radio (special with seventeen's jun)
- jun said chenle's hosting style is very good because jun prefers a more relaxed atmosphere that doesn't strictly follow the script
- chenle said he's really close to jun so it's hard to use broadcast tone when talking to jun. the same issue happens when he's with kun.
- chenle likes fiddling with his dream friendship ring
- when chenle and jun hangs out together, they always sing a lot of songs and when jun is at chenle's house they would shout songs on top of their voices
- another seventeen member once attended the same concert as chenle and chenle greeted him by saying "hello, i am jun hyung's very close friend". the member told jun about it and the member said it seems like chenle is closer to jun than the member is.
- jun said even though chenle bullies him a lot, chenle is always really nice to him and they feel very close to each other because they're both chinese. in return, chenle instead jokingly said that jun always bullies him and is never nice to him.
- chenle first knew jun in 2016/2017, they met at a concert back when chenle still had "ramen hair". they got closer because chenle and seventeen's minghao always plays pubg together and they started inviting jun too. jun and chenle played "arena of valor" together the night before.
- jun's first impression of chenle is that chenle was very cute. chenle's first impression of jun is that jun was very approachable.
- chenle and jun watched xiaojun's drama together while eating hotpot and thought it was so funny
- chenle said sometimes failure is better than success because when you fail, you know where you lack and can fix it and be better next time. if you never fail, you won't know what you lack so you might fail even worse next time.
SATURDAY, 210327
- daily program & topic : my personal playlist
- chenle said if he wasn't an idol, he would probably be studying abroad in switzerland right now
- chenle really likes violin and cello and he already told the manager that he will learn how to play the violin after this comeback ends. he thinks the sound of violin is really good and he already has a lot of songs he wants to play.
- chenle prefers learning how to play the violin because the cello is too big and he can't carry it around
- if chenle was given the chance to go back to when he was 17 years old (2018), he said he wouldn't take that chance because he has already walked that road and there's no need to change anything, and it's not like the present will become better if he goes back in time and makes changes. chenle also said that what's important is that he really enjoyed that year.
- chenle said if he could go back in time, he would rather go back to when he was only 5 or 6 years old, not because he wants to change something, but because he wants to feel the playfulness of youth again. but chenle doesn't really want to go back anywhere because enjoys the present and can do whatever he wants now.
- chenle thinks music is really amazing because it can express so many emotions. when you play an exciting song, you can feel the warmth and when you play a sad song, the sound of the violin can express the sadness. chenle finds it amazing what music can say on behalf of the emotions that we can't express with words.
- chenle said the sadness expressed in the violin and the cello are different. the violin's sadness vibe is more youthful meanwhile the cello's sadness is more like the sadness of old age, like something that is filled with a lot of experience.
- chenle believes that when we're learning a language, we have to be thick-skinned. when chenle was learning korean, he kept bothering jisung. he's great at reading the room but back then he didn't read it. he just kept sticking to jisung and bothered him every day. and if jisung didn't correct chenle, jisung would feel guilty and bad so he would always tell chenle the correct way to pronounce words. chenle said because of jisung, his korean improved a lot.
- chenle knows sun yantz's 'cloudy Day' song. when he was young, he participated in a singing contest while playing the piano, and sang this song, but he doesn't remember. chuyuan said he looked the video up and it's still there. chenle was shocked that chuyuan managed to find the video.
- chenle said when it comes to being a leader, you have to have energy. if you don't have energy, no one will listen. but if you have energy, people will pay attention without even realizing it. you have to be charming and convincing.
- chenle thinks it's really great to try something we've never done before, and if we fail, then we fail, and there's nothing to lose. if we fail, we can just try again, and one day we will succeed.
- when chenle takes a walk, he likes listening to ballads, romantic-sad songs, romantic songs, and sad songs. chenle listens to those songs not because he's sad. he actually listens to them when he doesn't feel anything. he just enjoys listening to sad songs.
- in a beautiful environment, chenle can concentrate well on a song. if he listens to a romantic song in a cherry blossom forest, he'll feel romantic. if he listens to a sad song, he'll feel sad. but he said it might not be suitable to listen to a dance song when in a cherry blossom forest.
- chenle's song rec : 2008 beijing olympics - you and me
SUNDAY, 210328
- daily program & topic : top of akdong seoul (my experience of misidentifying someone or calling someone by the wrong name)
- chenle told the story of mark mistaking their manager for ten again. their manager has a figure like ten, and mark and ten are really close and they like to slap each other's butt when they greet each other. so one time, chenle was talking to the manager and all of a sudden mark slapped the manager's butt and even the manager was shocked and it became super awkward and mark apologized. (he told this same story on 201206)
- their dance teacher keep mixing up chenle and renjun's names
- chenle said people keep calling renjun "renjeon", even staff at music shows would call him "renjeon-ssi". jungwoo also calls renjun "renjeon" so now they always joke about it.
- it's very easy for chenle to accidentally get in the wrong car because he doesn't have the manager's car license plate memorized so it's easy to get it mixed up with another car if he doesn't follow the members closely.
- chenle likes being called "uncle" or even better, "dad"
- chenle told the story of how he once mistook jaehyun for mark. after rehearsal chenle went to touch up his make up and saw 'mark' monitoring the performance on his phone. so chenle asked him to watch together and put his hand over 'mark's shoulder. they watched the entire monitor but then the real mark came and chenle realized the person he put his arm around was jaehyun.
- chenle gossiped about how in middle school, there were a pair of twins in his school who have similar personalities and behaved the same and the older one liked chenle's best friend
- chenle's song rec : an ordinary day - jung seung hwan

march 29, 2021 - april 4, 2021 highlights

MONDAY, 210329
- daily program & topic : our little tree hole
- chenle always brings a plastic to put his umbrella in whenever he goes out on rainy days because he feels that it's wasteful to use the plastic provided outside
- chenle believes that everyone has to take part in taking care of the planet because taking care of the planet isn't the work of only one person. if we all come together and take part in it, the earth would be better and healthier.
- chenle once gave an advice that to save money, we should save 1,000 won for every akdong seoul broadcast. a listener actually saves 2,000 won for every broadcast and has saved up to 200,000 won. chenle was shocked because he didn't think anyone would actually follow the advice.
- chenle did a little live cover of honne's 'free love'!
- guozhen told chenle that there was a yellow dust storm today but chenle got shocked because earlier today, he went to the company to record something and went to the balcony to meditate and he thought the air was great.
- guozhen brought his dog to the studio and earlier chenle screamed at his dog but his dog followed chenle inside the studio instead
- chenle once again reminded us that without health, we can't do anything, so we can't sacrifice our health for something else because nothing is more important than health.
TUESDAY, 210330
- daily program & topic : k-pop music
- there is a new guest dj and his name is jin shenglai! he is a phd student in korea, he's guozhen's dormmate, and after fans asked more questions about him, pd jiejie said that shenglai is not married and is handsome.
- chenle said every iu song will always be a hit song
- chenle likes fluffy / sweet shows and angsty shows, but he doesn't watch korean dramas as much as other kinds of shows. he also mentioned how he has watched 'friends' many times.
- chenle's song rec #1 : wonder - shawn mendes
- chenle's song rec #2 : monster - shawn mendes, justin bieber
- daily program & topic : listening to the world (sydney)
- a listener told a story and at the end of the story, she asked chenle to call her 'jiejie'. chenle said, "that's not gonna happen" and proceeds to call her 'auntie'.
- chenle went to sydney when he was younger but he couldn't remember anything about the trip. he went there in 2015.
- chenle has an impression of sydney but he couldn't really remember when he visited it.
- chenle remembers taking pictures either in front of the sydney harbour bridge or on the bridge. he was wearing sunglasses in the pictures.
- lanlan talked about the darling harbour which is a romantic place to go to. chenle said he probably didn't go there because he was young and he didn't really know anything.
- chenle said milk powder from australia is really good and he brought back home a lot of them.
- lanlan jokingly asked if chenle's skin might be this good because of all the milk powder, but chenle said he's always had fair skin even before 2015.
- chenle asked about the hotel lanlan stayed at in sydney
- chenle said when he was young he didn't like raw oysters but he hasn't tried it again ever since so he doesn't know if his tastebuds have changed.
- chenle said he's down to try new kinds of food so lanlan told him to try kangaroo meat but chenle immediately refused.
- chenle's song rec : it is you - dana glover